Smarts Project Integration with memoQ 10.4

Myriam Garcia 8 months ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Ben Miller 8 months ago 2


Has anybody that has a memoQ integration updated memoQ to version 10.4? I know that the latest LTS version supported is 10.2, but we'd like to update to 10.6 for some AI and LQE capabilities. 

Thanks in advance!


Hi, we work with 10.6.12 memoQ server without issues


We also usually upgrade our memoQ-Server quite quickly, with some testing before hand. This usually works fine and there have been very few problems, but if there are issues with the XTR <> memoQ integration, XTRF Support has not been helpful in our experience, citing that we are on an unsupported memoQ version – so you're on your own if you do upgrade.