Wrong analysis when changing quote to project and changing the workflow type from non-cat to memoq

Peter Kolar 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects with CAT integration updated by rodrigo 5 years ago 1

We noticed and are able to easily recreate a bug in XTRF. If a project

manager changes the workflow of a task from "normal" (non CAT) workflow

to a workflow with integration (memoQ), XTRF for some reason pulls wrong

analysis from memoQ. The analysis is always several times larger than it

should be, both for receivable and payable.  Same goes for converting quotes to projects and changing the workflow. Has anyone else noticed this problem?

We have been dealing with this issue for several months now with no solutions from XTRF support, so I wanted to check if anyone else noticed anything similar.

Kind regard,s


Hi Peter,

This might be totally unrelated, but we had a similar issue a few months ago. For us it happened in all memoQ integration projects, not only when changing workflow. I eventually narrowed it down to the tag weight option in XTRF.

integration > CAT Tool > memoQ > scroll down to statistics. The number next to "Tag Weight (word)" must match whatever you have on memoQ when you create statistics.

Best regards,
