Cascading filters and memoQ integration

Michaël Sobol 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated 6 years ago 4

-Create a project with XTRF and memoQ integration

-Prepare a XLIFF file as source file with a cascading filter including XLIFF file prep and REGEX

The segmentation is incorrect and tags are not protected.

Is there any possibility to develop this integration further?

We had the same issue and reported it a while ago (for XTRF: reference XHD-17538). This is where we got with this:

"We have been informed by Kilgray that this will be fixed in version 8.7 which is planned to be released sometime during April.
Once we have the green light from Kilgray, we will continue working on this case."

We are at version 8.7.10 and this bug is still there. This is a major bug to us, as most of our source for marketing and communication content is XLIFF format.

not sure if memoQ managed to fix it yet... and even then, we 'd still have to wait till XTRF wraps up their fix. In any case, we use fhe following workaround in the meantime: create the project in memoQ, upload your xliff file in memoQ applying the correct filter and then sync your project to XTRF. It's a bit more cumbersome, but for now the only wait this works. 

Thanks Jelle - we are doing the same but it creates confusion with our vendors.