
Vendors' native language in Vendors view

Seyma Albarino 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

We would like to create a view where we can filter for a specific native language. Barring that, we would like to be able to add a column for the vendor's native language to a view. Is this possible? The only options we've found so far are:

- accounting contact person's native language

- target as native language

Neither of those is helpful. 



Hi Seyma

The information about specific language being native for the Vendor in represented as the checkbox on the language combination in the Vendor profile. That is why the filter Target as the native language is a simple Yes/No selection. But if you combine that filter with the Target language filter it should give you the information you need. 

All you need to do is select the target language you're looking for and additionally set the Target as a native language to Yes. 

We don't have a column to show that information, maybe it would be possible to display this information with a custom column.

Best regards,



Hi Seyma

The information about specific language being native for the Vendor in represented as the checkbox on the language combination in the Vendor profile. That is why the filter Target as the native language is a simple Yes/No selection. But if you combine that filter with the Target language filter it should give you the information you need. 

All you need to do is select the target language you're looking for and additionally set the Target as a native language to Yes. 

We don't have a column to show that information, maybe it would be possible to display this information with a custom column.

Best regards,


Thanks, Marek.

How would we create a custom column to show a vendor's native language?

Hi Seyma

Custom column is a simple script that in general can show some specific information about an entity in a form of the browse column. That is why we call it a column. 

Those scripts can be written in Groovy or in Velocity (this option kind of gravitates towards deprecation in XTRF).

So with the knowledge of one of those coding languages and some initial support from our side, you can create your own custom columns.

Another option is ordering such column from XTRF. This is our regular customization service, to get more info or a quote for that please contact your Customer Succes Manager.