
How can I send out all job offers automatically?

Jaime Zuniga 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

I am starting to look at smart projects and have been able to get my first step to send out job offers automatically, but how can I set it up to also send out any other job offers I may have included in my process template?

Consider the following scenario, I have a process template that contains Translation, Editing and DTP as job steps, and once I start the project I would want all 3 steps' job offers to go out. Currently only the job offers for Translation are going out. This means that in order for me to send out the job offers for Editing and DTP I would need to select those jobs and choose Send job offers under Job actions.

Is there a way to send out all job offers at the same time, like you can using the Request Sending automated action in Classic projects?

All the info I see in the knowledge base is related to when a job starts after a vendor is selected.



Hi Jamie 

The automatic job offers in Smart Project work a bit different than in Classics.

In Smart Project, the job offers for a particular step are sent at the moment when the previous step is completed.

In other words, if you have selected the automatic job offers for all those steps, the job offers for Editing will be sent when the Translation will become ready, and the same way the automatic job offers for DTP will be sent when the Editing step will be completed.

An alternative is to select all the steps on the Jobs card and send the job offers from the Job actions menu. I believe this only options to send all job offers at once.

Best regards,



Hi Jamie 

The automatic job offers in Smart Project work a bit different than in Classics.

In Smart Project, the job offers for a particular step are sent at the moment when the previous step is completed.

In other words, if you have selected the automatic job offers for all those steps, the job offers for Editing will be sent when the Translation will become ready, and the same way the automatic job offers for DTP will be sent when the Editing step will be completed.

An alternative is to select all the steps on the Jobs card and send the job offers from the Job actions menu. I believe this only options to send all job offers at once.

Best regards,
