
Convert a Provider into a Client

Andres Romberg 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 6 years ago 2

Hi everyone, We have a large volume of Providers who also need to be in our "Clients" list.  We are wondering if there is any quick (maybe even massive) way to migrate/copy a Provider (or larger groups thereof) and make them into Clients, so that we do not need to re-create each one. 

We tried exporting the data, but it came out very "dirty" and full of unreadable stuff.  

Any advise or tips are welcome. 



Hi Andreas

I'm afraid that there's no faster way than export/import. 

When it comes to the export, you can customize the columns that should be exported, so maybe limiting the number of information could make it more manageable. 


Hi Andreas

I'm afraid that there's no faster way than export/import. 

When it comes to the export, you can customize the columns that should be exported, so maybe limiting the number of information could make it more manageable. 

Hmm... ok. Thank you for your quick answer.