Quotes module overview

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Quotes module is where your Quotes are. You can browse, display, add new, duplicate and - under some conditions - delete Quotes.

This module can be used by anyone within your team, but it will prove especially useful to sales people, account managers and the supervisors. 

Some of the most useful information available in the browse include the attributes of Quotes:

  • Status
  • Total Agreed and Cost values
  • Client and people responsible
  • Origin
  • Dates
  • Service and Process type
  • and many more.

Just like with any other Smart View, you can customize the way you filter, display and sort the items. 

You can then reuse the view, share it with others or even utilize in your personal Dashboard. 

Study the XTRF Academy's Guide to: Smart Views and Dashboard to learn more.

Quote Module in XTRF 01

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