How is data synchronized between memoQ and Smart Project?

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The following table shows what data is synchronized between a Smart Project and a linked memoQ project.

Data (XTRF equivalent in brackets)
XTRF => memoQ
memoQ => XTRF Comments
Project name

Only once, upon memoQ project creation;
Format: {xtrf project id} - {xtrf project name}. Unsupported characters are replaced by underscores "_".
Only adding new languages (you cannot remove languages in memoQ)
Domain Specialization from XTRF is mapped

Client ID from XTRF is mapped
Subject Expression from XTRF is mapped (upon memoQ project creation)
Description Expression from XTRF is mapped (upon memoQ project creation)
Project deadline

Only once, upon memoQ project creation
Documents (remote Bilingual Documents)
Removing documents is not supported when corresponding XTRF Job is in status Ready, Canceled or Invoiced.
Resources (remote Translation Memories and Terminologies)
Removing Resources is synchronized in both directions; adding new Resources is only synchronized from memoQ to XTRF.
Document (Job) status

Vendor assigned to Document (Job)

Document (Job) deadline

Periodic synchronization

Apart from the synchronization actions listed in the table above, Smart Project is periodically synchronized with a linked memoQ project every 8 minutes.

Periodic synchronization covers:

  • Refreshing the list of remote Bilingual Documents on the ‘Files’ card
  • Refreshing the list of remote Translation Memories and Terminology files on the ‘Files’ card
  • Refreshing the status changes of documents and corresponding Jobs, whether the documents are returned to previous Steps in the Process, or corrected and redelivered to further Steps
  • Sending notifications to recipients of returned documents, as well as corrected and redelivered documents
  • Verification of languages of remote Translation Memories and Terminology files

The synchronization of a Smart Project with the linked memoQ project can also be triggered manually, by clicking Synchronize Now on the 'Process' card.


End of synchronization

Synchronization between a Smart Project and memoQ ceases once the Project has been permanently deleted in memoQ. However, just moving it to the trash bin in memoQ does not suffice. Smart Project is still synchronized and may affect server performance. You should also delete the Project in the memoQ trash bin to break the synchronization and free the server capacity.

Synchronization also ceases when a Quote is marked as ‘Rejected’, or a Project is ‘Closed’ or ‘Cancelled’.

CAT memoQ Smart Projects

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