How to invite vendor to Vendor Portal?

This is an old version of the article. Please check the most up-to-date version in our new Knowledge Base.

You can send the invitation to a Vendor's main email address, or to any of their Contact Persons.

In either Vendors or Contact Persons browse, choose at least one item and the button "Invite to Vendor Portal" will appear on top of the page.

Invite to Vendor Portal 01

It will send an email to the chosen recipients.

You can also send an invitation when inside a single Contact Person's profile. When in the 'Main Data' tab, scroll down and click on Invite to Vendor Portal.

Invite to Vendor Portal 02

You can customize the email in Configuration > Templates > Notifications > Templates > E-mail/Text Message to Vendor's Contact Person: When vendor's contact person has been invited to join the portal.

The first person to receive an email becomes the Vendor Portal administrator.


To make sure that Vendors receive their email invitations, go to the Image 2155 Configuration Menu > General ConfigurationSettings > Email tab > Edit, uncheck the box Redirect all email to admin and click on Save.

Redirect all email to admin in XTRF

Vendor Portal Setup Personnel Vendor Management

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