
Anyone is using OCR (or something similiar) to count words of a document?

Bartosz Gumula 1 year ago in Home Portal updated 1 year ago 2


I am trying to research potential OCR, or to be exact, a software that would be able to count the words from as many formats as possible and give the results back.

The requirement would be that this software needs to be secure and have API. We are looking to speed up the quoting process by simply getting a rough total word count. We would like to use memoQ only for actual production.

The amount of information available for this topic through google is both too big and too narrow. Maybe you have had a similar need or something like this has caught your eye in the past


Hi Bartosz, I'm replying simply out of empathy. We've attempted to work out a solution to this as well but have  been unable to solve this need. I wish you well.

I am doing my own research as well Karl, If I manage to find something resembling the case above I will let you know :)