JobID and Rest API

Norbert Grabowski 1 year ago in API updated 1 year ago 5


I'm looking for a way to get the job ID via Rest API. ProjectID and TaskID is easy. I'm trying to query the status of a job. All functions of the API regarding jobs require a JobID.
The call: https://xxx/home-api/jobs/156751 gives me the desired result for job 156751. Unfortunately I don't know how to get to 156751 via API

Best regards

Hello Norbert.

Try this endpoint:

you can find the the jobs ids inside each task in:

Hope it helps.
My best regards.

Hello Juan,

I'll found the list of JobIDs. Thank you. 

"jobCount": 5, 

"jobIds": [ 156746, 156747, 156748, 156749, 156750]

All jobs are include except one job. In my project workflow there is a translation job which is not included in this list. 

Image 2499

Hello Juan,

Problem solved. Yesterday I thought all JobIDs were in the list. But since I had more than one task, the one that was relevant to me followed later. I have all the IDs I need.
Thanks for your help

"jobs": { "jobCount": 1, "jobIds": [ 156751 ] }


Glad you found the solution.

It is tricky to get used to the API, but once you have done it, everything flows ;)

Remember that whatever you cannot find in the API, can probably be executed through a macro.

My best regards.

I still had plans to become friends with Groovy in the next few months.
