How to access Department, Position, Categories, Industries, Specialization on the API?

lhorvath 10 months ago in API updated by Ben Miller 10 months ago 2

I'm using the XTRF API with clients, contacts and quotes but I was not able to find some fields or their possible values on the API.

How can I get the possible values (ids and labels) for Department, Industries, and Categories?

On Contacts API endpoints Department and Categories are missing, is there another way to get these?

On Quotes API endpoints I did not found Specialization, is there a way to get this?

Thanks for your help.

We had the same issue. We cannot point with the API to custom fields and Specializations specifically. When I reached out to XTRF support I was informed this falls under customization ( at extra cost they can include into API) 

Another option is creating a parameterized macro that outputs the data you want in JSON, and running that macro via the API to get additional information not included in the default endpoints.

Take a look at the `macros/{macroId}/run` endpoint.