Checking if same calculation unit is used in receivable and payable for a task

Peter Kolar 2 years ago in Home Portal updated 2 years ago 1


I am trying to create a custom column that would tell me if same calculation was used for the task receivable and job receivable for translation and proofreading step. I did not get far as I am having difficulties getting a list of jobs and the calculation used in these jobs for a task.

For now I have two basic custom columns that tell me which calculation was used for the task and which for the job, but these are two separate custom columns. Why two separate? Because I have only succeeded in getting this info from two separate modules: Task an Job.

I would need just one column that would return a value True if they were the same or False if they were not.

Am I approaching this correctly or is this something that cannot be done with custom columns?

Any help or advice is appreciated.

Thank you and kind regards,


Hi again,

is it even possible to list all jobs and their calculation units for a task in a custom column? I would like to list that in task class. Can't find it in documentation.

Kind regards,
