
xml download for bulk bank transfer

Jan Hinrichs 3 years ago in Home Portal updated by Laura Jimenez 1 year ago 4

Standard accounting programs usually offer a download of provider invoicing data in XML standard for the company to use with their banking solution.

XTRF only offers CSV which requires modifications before you can upload to bulk transfer in a banking app. This is error-prone and time-intensive.

What speaks against adding XML download to XTRF?

There is a lot of documentation available about the XML design:


Adding a sample here. If this is not yet


Indeed I completely agree with Jan. I have experience converting the CSV to XML, which is better than manual data entry, but still time consuming.
This would be a feature that could be used by anybody with the SEPA zone.


Much needed indeed.
Thanks for bringing up this subject, Jan.


Yes I agree - this would be useful functionality.


thanks Jan for sharing this need. We are also seeking to have all our invoices in XML.

I hope XTRF team can pay some attention to this.
