
How is it useful to have specializations in the language combination level for the rates?

Juan (Comunica Translations) 3 years ago in Home Portal updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 8


we are kind of new in XTRF and we are struggling with the rates, specilizations, etc.

Actually, the thing that everytime you add a language combination, XTRF sets the specialization for that language combination to ANY, makes the system to throw results that we don't want while searching for vendors to be assigned to a job.

We don't really see the point of having a specialization in the language combination level when they are already related in the rates' level.

Would anyone be so kind to give us an example on why the relationship between Language combinations and specializations is good for you? Even tough they are already related in the rates' level (list below in the Rates TAB)?

Thanks a lot for your time.

My best regards.


Dear Juan,

We use the specializations a lot. And I understand the struggle.

There are just too many places where you can add rates and specializations and I think you should figure out for yourself where you want to modify these.

We rely on the rates level rather than the language combination level. This means that on language combination level, we leave the default ANY on as it is.

There is a case that I can currently think of where you could use the specializations to your benefit.

If you have a global price list which has default rates, then you could add a language combination without having to add the rate in the price profile (as the default from the price list will be added). In this case it could be useful to add a specialization on language combination level.


Thanks for your answer Dennis.

We rely in the rates level too, but the problem comes when I set any to the language level, as all the vendors will show up if I set a specialization for a project (and they come up with no rates). So we lose the purpose of setting specializations, as language combination specializations have more priority than rate's level specializaitons.

I am going to have to try that case where you can set a global price. I didn't think about it that way.

That's exactly what I needed, examples...

Thanks a lot again. Really appreciate you took the time to answer my post.

My best regards.


Hi Juan,

you need the specializations on the language combination level if you are to create provider selection rules where you need to filter on a specific specialization. Having the specialization on the rate level does not work in the selection rule.

You beat me to it :-D

Hello Nina:

Thanks so much for taking time to answer my post.

We actually do not use the selection rules, so maybe that's why I didn't recall on that to be a reason to set the specialization in the language combination level.

Thanks again. I will try the option to have a look at the benefits.

My best regards.


If I'm not mistaken, the specializations in the language combination are used to establish suitability of a vendor for a particular job. This is something you can use in the vendor selection rules for instance.

The specializations in the rates are used to automatically assign rates to payables when they are created.

I have no idea about the design thoughts behind this, but I believe this is how it works. I do think there is some duplication here that could be optimized.

Thanks a lot for taking your time to answer my post, Thijs.

I can see thay all points out to vendor selection rules, that is something I haven't tried out just yet.

My best regards.


Dear Juan,

I can confirm what all previous XTRF users have said about that topic, if you have a lot of specializations already on the rate level and you do not want to move them manually to the language combination level, please create a ticket in service desk with a description of what you need and add my name as a referral so the team will redirect it to me