Newbie API question.

Karl 3 years ago in API updated 3 years ago 2

My company is doing a deep dive evaluation on moving to XTRF and trying to kick the tires a bit on the API.
We've attempted posting this question though the "preferred" Stack Overflow channel, but not getting any feedback (and doesn't appear to be getting much traffic), and frankly we don't have a ton of time for waiting too long.
Here's a question one of my devs has posted on SO
 and we'd like to determine best course of debugging such matters.

thanks in advance for any help on this matter.

I recommend using our log-viewer, you can access it by url:


pick "server.log" and send request again, there should be more informations.

Also in the matter of your question, Be sure to provide whole curl informations like method and url.

For example:

POST https://yourXtrf/home-api/v2/projects

Are you sure that client with id 7 exists?

I realized that if you try to make a project for a client that doesn't exist, you will get such message in your API program that doesn't tell much. The message should be clearer, I will report this and we will change it.


Are you sure that client with id 7 exists?

That was my first question too. Dev told me it was. I'll relay this information to the party and have him monitor this thread directly.