time tracker project manager

VBordas 3 years ago in Something Else updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 2

Hi, in the view of remote work, can XTRF be used as a time tracker for project managers/in-house stuff? Like a clock-in/clock-out feature?

I used it for a few months. It essentially logs the user window and you can track back time for the individual users back to the client projects or type of work they were doing. It's moderately useful, but not super accurate. After a few months of experimenting with it, we ended up turning it off finding that it wasn't accurate enough to do much more than give a very general overview of work getting done. But for time tracking I didn't find it to be a great option. 


XTRF can offer such functionality and it works the way you mentioned. It logs time in different parts for different activities. From my experience, this feature has one issue, it becomes less accurate (as Mark mentioned) if there is more than just one tab open with XTRF which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

Have a great day!