Name in external system: another partner using the same credentials

Monika 5 years ago in Home Portal updated by Mateusz Trzeciak (XTRF Deployment & Training Specialist) 5 years ago 1


I wanted to ask what would be the best practice for resolving the issue I encountered in the attached print screen. I needed to map my client with external system (XTM CAT tool) so I was introducing the ID number from XTM into XTRF. But XTRF is telling me that another partner already has the same credentials.

I would like to find that another partner and remove the ID from his account, to be able to map correctly my current client. I was not able to look for "Name in external system" anywhere. I tried adding filters, views, etc - but no success. 

I would appreciate any advice!



Image 1245

Dear Monika,

easiest way to do this is using a simple macro and then just finding conflicting data via ctrl + f:


import com.radzisz.xtrf.model.partner.customer.Customer
import com.radzisz.xtrf.model.AlsoKnownAs

String output = "" 
AlsoKnownAs[] asaList = list*.getAlsoKnownAs().flatten()
asaList.each { 
 AlsoKnownAs asa -> 
        output += "${asa.getCustomer().getName()},${asa.getName()},${asa.getValue()}\n"

return output

If you would like to have a virtual column for this, please use code below:


import com.radzisz.xtrf.model.partner.customer.Customer
import com.radzisz.xtrf.model.AlsoKnownAs

String output = "" 

unwrappedThis.getAlsoKnownAs().each {
    AlsoKnownAs asa -> 
        output += "${asa.getName()} - ${asa.getValue()}\n"

return output