
Quote request form doesn't show Belarusian localization

Dennis Rosenbaum 5 years ago in Something Else updated 5 years ago 2

I am trying to localize the Quote Request form. Currently we would like to add the Belarusian (be or bel) as the locale, but when added, the page shows blank.

Regular url: https://cat2.s.xtrf.eu/qrf/#/quote/request

German url: https://cat2.s.xtrf.eu/qrf/#/quote/request?locale=de

Belarusian url: https://cat2.s.xtrf.eu/qrf/#/quote/request?locale=be

I think this is a bug. Or am I doing something wrong?

Dear Dennis,

the reason for this is that there's no Belarusian localization at the time.

Too bad.
Is there a list of localizations that you do have available?