Under review

XTRF for Sheets Add-on not refreshing automatically.

Pedro 7 years ago in Something Else updated by PedroMaturaFigue 6 years ago 6

The new Add-on for google sheets is great, especially the auto refresh that is supposed to refresh the sheet every hour. Unfortunately, I have found that it does not refresh every hour and I have to manually refresh it. For example, I went into my sheet today 7/11/2018 and it had not refreshed since 7/9/2018. Is there a solution to this? 

Under review

Dear Pedro,

I am investigating this case and I will let you know as soon as I have any feedback.


Dear Pedro,

Can you maybe provide us a screenshot with a how your add-on looks like? The data can be blurred out 

Thanks in advance

Isn't this a limitation from google? I tought it only refreshes when the sheet is open. Even if you have defined a schedule.


new version has just been published - it is updated automatically by gogole so no special action has to be taken.
The auto update feature works fine for many customers - we are using standard google script scheduling mechanism.
If the problem is not solved with the new release is it posssible you share your sheet so we could make a deeper investigation?

Hello, I am sorry for the delayed response. I am not getting email notifications of your responses, I will try to fix that!

As of today (8/3/18) the sheets were not automatically updated since the last manual update on 7/30/18.

I have three views connected to this sheet. The first view updates about 20,000 rows, the second view updates about 30,000 rows and the third view updates about 4000 rows. I assumed that that the script timed out since the first two sheets are so heavy.

Here is a screenshot of the dashboard. I had updated it by pressing "refresh all" at 8:26am. It is now 10:18am and not automatic update yet. 

Do you need me to share the actual sheet? I would need to request permission.

Thank you, 


Problem seems to have fixed itself. Its updating every hour now. 

