Will be answered

Ideas for future webinars

Sancho Leath 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Robrecht Belien 7 years ago 9

Where can we post suggestions for future XTRF webinars? We appreciate the newsletter feeds and videos prepared by XTRF. Personally, we would be very interested in the following topics, particularly for webinars with an interactive Q&A:

- Best practices for Smart Projects

- Use of API to boost productivity

- Use of macros to boost productivity

I am sure other users would be happy to add a few topics to the list.

- Use of Bundles

- Use of Project Workflows and how to split and merge jobs and no getting lost in bundles

- Use of Automatic Actions to boost productivity

- Integration with Machine Translations Engines to boost productivity



Sorry for my ignorance, but what are bundles?

Hi Mark. Bundles is a term from the Classic world. Hope you are doing well!

Ah. I thought that may be the case. I'm very for better or worse, we're pretty Smart Project-centric. :)


Best practices for preparing business reports


Quote/Opportunities best practices

Client Portal best practices 

Overview of Vendor rules 

Vendor management best practices

Another one:

- How to create Project Workflows


use cases for smart connecters might also be a good topic.