
Branding logo was set back to default after 8.0.5

Dennis Rosenbaum 7 years ago in Home Portal updated by mark 7 years ago 14

After the update to 8.0.5 our branding logo disappeared and was set back to the default. After changing, the branding logo is not pushed correctly to our invoice templates. I am currently changing them all with a direct link to the image itself. 
Though I consider this to be a bug in the XTRF system. Am I the only one having this issue?



Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience with logo issue in 8.0.5 version. This issue has been fixed already and the fix-pack will be deployed tonight.

Satisfaction mark by Dennis Rosenbaum 7 years ago

You're not the only one. We have reported this to the helpdesk this morning.


Us as well. We took the approach of embedding the image to the templates though :)

Am I the only one feeling lately that with each new version XTRF we are getting more bugs in existing functionality which are taking longer and longer to resolve? We have important open bugs since the end of April (e.g. not being able to change the dates on any reports).


We're feeling this way...


This is really frustrating. We cannot wait to send quotes or project confirmations, and also the Customer Portal was reset. @XTRF, we are really affected by this and you guys really need to tighten up your development and release platform. I will be completely honest, we are evaluating other solutions again, which I hate, but I cannot run a growing business on this model and the support is lacking.


Oh my. We didn't even look at the quotes or portal.

Yeah and no judging our lengthy preamble in our client portal. :) Though we have suggested either changing the location of the buttons or offering the ability to disable the launch a project button for some clients, we still have many who get confused an launch a project instead of request a quote...

No judgement. We have the same issue. But as I think we discussed, we aren't using the portal too much. 

Have a nice weekend!



Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience with logo issue in 8.0.5 version. This issue has been fixed already and the fix-pack will be deployed tonight.

If you need the fix earlier than during nightly maintenance window, then please contact the helpdesk to schedule a manual update.


Apologies accepted and we appreciate you getting on this quickly. But you do have to know that this one bug is now costing us about 2 hours of work this morning, taking us away from the rest of our day. These type of small bugs have real world implications because we all work in a live environment.  

This does not appear to have been released to the Debian repository yet, will that be later today?


It is published now.


This happened to us and we're waiting for the fix tonight and will hold off sending invoices until the fix is done. Regrettably, we can't pause our PMs today all at the same time to fix it before the end of our work day. 

We're reaching out to all our clients that received invoices today to make sure they don't freak out that we were hacked and make sure that they know we sent them legit invoices.