
Integrating Hubspot CRM with XTRF CRM

Mostafa Tarek Mostafa 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Leanne 8 months ago 7

Our business development team has been using Hubspot CRM for a long time and we want to know if there is a way to integrate the data they have on Hubspot CRM with XTRF. something that doesn't require manual data entry.


Expanding Home Portal API to include methods related to operations on CRM activities is on a waiting list for our development roadmap.


@XTRF any updates to the plans of expanding the HP API for CRM activities? Still on the waitlist, or (hopefully) nearing release...?


Currently, we don't plan any developments in that area in short- or mid-term perspective.

Are there any updates about the connection between XTRF and HubSpot?  We want to synchronize the CRM part and transfer deals.

We've looked at creating a connector to Hubspot so that people don't have to update deals and quotes/opportunities, but there are two problems:

1) There is currently no API access to opportunities. So that means we just have to use quotes and not opportunities, which is not ideal. In our opinion, opportunities should be added to the API and more robust functionality on multiple offers in opportunities and how that interacts with quotes, and how that can be controlled/written by the API should be a future feature. However, according to the XTRF team, the focus is understandably on Project Management functions, not sales ones, so I think that I won't hold my breath for XTRF to become an end to end system, we will still have to use an outside CRM.

2) The logic around companies/contacts/deals is a bit different than in Hubspot and most real CRMs, so we haven't quite worked out how we want to achieve an integration yet. We are thinking instead of a passive system that just copies all the work in both places, we are going to make an active one where you can say I want to push just this data from XTRF to Hubspot or vis versa.  But again, it has not been a priority, weighing the time of our sales people to the cost of building and testing and trouble shooting an integration. Also XTRF has some limitations on what can and can't be accessed in or written in the API which also makes the effort and thinking of workarounds a bit cumbersome, so we just haven't done it.


This would be a great addition. It wouldn't make much sense to make XTRF compete with Hubspot on the sales funnel side. We see that there is a handover from Hubspot to XTRF for ongoing projects after the Deal Won stage. From this moment on all "sales" activity lives in XTRF. The problem is that Hubspot Forecasting should include client enrollment, meaning ongoing work with the new client towards the sales goals of team members on the sales side. Therefore we would need to sync xtrf projects/quotes with Hubspot deals to have real data in the system. The csv download in xtrf could become a workaround but it's not lean. Any thoughts on that one?


Being able to connect the two would be ideal - for me. 

The CRM module in XTRF is no were near intuitive. 
Being head of sales & a project manager I find myself wasting vast amounts of time on searching for or creating CRM activities.

Having it as a chat kind of feature with a timeline where you could drag and drop files, create notes...My job would be so much simpler.