

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago in Minor Release, e.g. 8.2.0 updated by Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 6 years ago 12

XTRF 8.3 brings the following new features:

  • Managing external links in Smart Projects - Smart Projects now offer a possibility to add & share links via the Files card in the same way as with regular files. PMs will be able to share/unshare such links with particular Steps (and thus Vendors) in the Process. This introduces new possibilities in the area of files management, since the link can be anything: from a remote document, through remote folder/location, to a link to an external application. The link shared with a given Job is visible for the assigned vendor in the Job Manager / Vendor Portal just like the work files are.
  • Home Portal REST API improvements - new methods have been added in the area of Client Invoices, Vendor Invoices, Receivables and Payables. For details, see API documentation.

Improvements to existing functionalities:

  • First Close Date in Smart Projects/Quotes
  • Swagger/Open APi 2.0
  • Status colors palette more diversified (higher contrasts)
  • Alerts for conflicted Jobs based on actual start date when Jobs are Started

The following originally planned features will be delivered at a later date:

  • New Vendors Workload indication on Vendors Browse - planned in 8.4 (expected end of June)
  • Status syncing on document return to the previous step in memoQ integration (in Smart Projects) - planned in 8.5 (expected end of summer)

Deprecated functionality:

  • DOCX document templates - built-in DOCX templates will no longer be developed. They will also be removed from newly installed XTRF instances from version 8.5 on. Support for custom DOCX templates built by XTRF team will be provided as specified in the terms and conditions, but there will be no possibility to extend it for the next period.
Release Notes

Finally!! Adding Receivables and Payables through the API. Great.

since you will be working on the HP API, a function to get a list of project id's would be great and maybe not to much extra work. (similar to the GET customers function with the updatedSince parameter) 

Not in this update, Robrecht, but there are more API changes coming in 8.n, so such a change is actually very likely, ref. no. DEV-6671

@Marek: Was rich text formatting removed from this 8.3 features list? The promise was to apply WYSIWYG to the project notes and job instructions fields.


That is correct, the rich text formatting in notes was moved to the next system version. Soon I'll add the draft of the v. 8.4 here on this forum.

Apparently, 8.2.8 is out. Could you please make available the release notes? In addition, an update on 8.3 would be appreciated. We have been waiting for new Smart features for over a year. Give us something to be excited about again.

The beta version of XTRF 8.3 has been rolled on the test Cloud instances.

As we are squashing some remaining bugs, the final version, and updated release notes should be available next week.

Thanks for the update. Will WYSIWYG and hyperlink recognition for the Client and Internal Notes fields in Smart Projects be included in 8.3?

Is the 8.3.2 version which is now available the final one or a beta?

The final version of XTRF 8.3 was released yesterday afternoon. I updated the original post with the final list of main changes introduced in this version. Detailed change log is available here (note that it contains also duplicates of topics released in earlier patch versions).

@Alexandros, 8.3.2 is the final version.

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