

Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 6 years ago in Minor Release, e.g. 8.2.0 updated 6 years ago 1
Ticket No.ComponentsDescription
DEV-4281Smart Project - Job Offers;Bug: [UI] Blank space on Job Offer Sending pop-up
DEV-4819Integrations - QuickBooks;Bug: [Stability 6.9] [UI] Field in QB settings is not hidden
DEV-4916Clients;Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Tax No. (NIP) in customer profile - overlapping description
DEV-5635Smart Project - Automations;Bug: [UI] [Stability 6.10.5] Inactive Step is visible in Automatic JobsSplitting in Project/Quote
DEV-5728Reports;Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Wrong button on business reports table
DEV-5731System - History;Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] [History] No search by Client/Vendor ID
DEV-6216System - Worklog;Bug: Worklog activities rounding - total displayed differently than sum of activities
DEV-6937Smart Project - Files;Bug: Tooltip with memoQ filter configuration information is displayed when it should not be
DEV-7060Classic Projects and Quotes; Resources;Bug: [UI] Better display of 'Add Resources from File(s)' window in Client Resources
DEV-7102System;Bug: Start Screen Tour in Home Portal no Polish localization
DEV-7197System - User Account;Bug: Changing "admin" status with multiplechange allowed
DEV-7297Client Portal - Dashboard;Bug: "Default report" non-localizable on Customer Portal Dashboard
DEV-7406Vendors;Bug: VendorRateAdd - after adding all calculation units some inputs and buttons are no longer visible on the screen
DEV-7727Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: Classic project deadlines and start dates check box
DEV-7994Client Portal - My Account; Clients;Bug: Use proper access option while creating Customer Contact Person in CP
DEV-8011Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [UI] Hide 'Delete/Archive' button in Smart Projects for user without proper permissions
DEV-8049Dashboard;Bug: Column "order confirmation" in the classic dashboard is missing functions
DEV-8053Filters and Views;Bug: Error in Firefox - no calendar popup in Classic Dashboard
DEV-8076Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: Issue with start date and time of revision project
DEV-8081Invoicing;Bug: Payment due date does not update if typed
DEV-8206Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: "set as deadline in the previous jobs" checkbox not available when typing in text field
DEV-8237Vendor Portal; Vendors;Bug: PM unable to accept requested changes - value too long for type character varying(255)
DEV-8353Customizations - Notifications;Bug: Unnecessary HTML tags in recipient - CRM notifications
DEV-8356Technical;Bug: Old orange tooltips replacing in some areas
DEV-8363Smart Project - General; Smart Project - History; System - Smart Views;Bug: Close action not properly recorded in piwik
DEV-8404Technical;Bug: Jboss restart by button (wildfly)
DEV-8471Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Type of Remote File is not displayed after change
DEV-8492Smart Project - Automations; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [Stability 8.1] [UI] Automation UI corrections
DEV-8507Classic Projects and Quotes; Vendor Portal;Bug: Fonts not visible in Vendor portal
DEV-8532System - Worklog;Bug: [Stability 8.1] Log Work button is not activated after removing a cause of an error
DEV-8539Integrations - CAT - Memsource;Bug: [UI] [Stability 8.1] Issue in 'Add Custom Field' window
DEV-8574Vendors; Vendors - Selection Rules;Bug: Start Job after Provider Selection - checkbox un-checks itself
DEV-8591Filters and Views;Bug: [STABILITY 8.1] Filters with dates does not work properly
DEV-8631Smart Project - Files;Bug: [STABILITY 8.1] [UI] Files in smart projects ui issues
DEV-8702Availability Request; Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: [UI] Can't see the selected comparison sign in Vendor Selection Rules Classic correctly
DEV-8708Configuration - User Management;Bug: [Security] Access Limitations with no user rights
DEV-8714Configuration - Templates;Bug: Subject of E-mail template reverts to default after changing
DEV-8722System - Setup (initial);Bug: Wrong error statement in Initial Configuration Wizard
DEV-8723Clients; Vendors;Bug: [UI] Customer/providers contact person information text alignment
DEV-8734Configuration - User Management;Bug: [Security] Access Limitation - Configuration
DEV-8744Smart Project - Process Design;Bug: [Stability 8.1] [UI] Process template changes are not displayed until the page is refreshed
DEV-8748Client Portal - Quotes;Bug: Wrong validation in request a quote via CP
DEV-8755Vendor Portal - Register and Sign in;Bug: Vendor invited to VP gets notification in a different language than set on their profile
DEV-8757Customizations - Notifications;Bug: [UI] Preview email theme is not working properly
DEV-8762Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: Dropdown with time format at My Account is not working properly
DEV-8795Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Receivable needed for project confirmation
DEV-8817Classic Projects and Quotes; System - History;Bug: DefaultClassicHistoryInitializer OutOfMemoryError
DEV-8849Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados;Bug: SDL analysis uploads with incorrect number of words
DEV-8850Erasing; Filters and Views; System - Smart Views;Bug: Can not erase personal data for customer, Partner's source directory does not exists or is not directory:
DEV-8851Dashboard;Bug: Note symbol on every project of the dashboard
DEV-8854Vendor Portal - Invoices;Bug: [UI] VP new invoice checkbox should be activated after clicking on text
DEV-8867Vendor Portal;Bug: Required Password Strength settings
DEV-8873branding;Bug: Cannot set new logo - branding issue
DEV-8881Vendors;Bug: Incomplete profile erasing
DEV-8886System;Bug: [Stability 8.2] The files are no longer available
DEV-8904Clients; Vendors;Bug: [UI] Issue while adding photo do profile
DEV-8906Client Portal - Public/Authentication;Bug: XTRF password recovery link invalid token
DEV-8909Customizations - Periodic Jobs;Bug: Subscribers in report subscriptions not displayed correctly
DEV-8912Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: Quote accepted/rejected using GET only
DEV-8917Client Portal - My Account; Clients;Bug: Client can't create contact person via Customer Portal
DEV-8918System - Search (Quicksearch);Bug: [STABILITY 8.2] Quicksearch is becoming unusable after pressing Escape button
DEV-8921System - Search (Quicksearch);Bug: QuickSearch 500 error during typing special characters
DEV-8922CRM; Vendors;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Event name is not fully displayed on pop-up
DEV-8923Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: [STABILITY 8.2] Smart Project with memoQ - periodic synchronization
DEV-8924Customizations - Custom Fields; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [STABILITY 8.2] [UI] SP- Multiple selection CF with long item name is overlapping
DEV-8925Integrations - CAT - Groupshare;Bug: GroupShare Job Mapping issue
DEV-8930Client Portal - General;Bug: [STABILITY 8.2] baseurl.js is not defied in Customer Portal
DEV-8931Vendors;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Pop-up with notification is covered by the frame
DEV-8932Integrations - CAT - Trados Agent;Bug: SDL Trados - lack of translation in the proofreaders's package
DEV-8933System - General;Bug: Failure deleteting customer to which another customer was merged
DEV-8934Filters and Views; Vendors;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Error after selecting 'worked for this client' filter
DEV-8935Client Portal - Projects; Client Portal - Quotes; Smart Project - Automations; Smart Project - Files;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Automatic file delivery is not working
DEV-8941System; System - User Account;Bug: [UI] Date and time format in calendar
DEV-8942Classic Projects and Quotes; System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] No rights to set LC in Classics
DEV-8943System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Client dropdown at creating project
DEV-8947Configuration;Bug: Can't manually edit probability area in opportunity statuses
DEV-8949System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Smart project at files shared with pop-up
DEV-8952Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [Stability 8.2] status Code 404 , Order with id RK3LWW6TIJCWHJHOHVKOG2WOSI not found when adding languages to quote
DEV-8953System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] E-mail footer editor
DEV-8957Smart Project - Automations; Smart Project - Finance; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Semi and auto Payables not added when Vendor has no TM Rates
DEV-8966Invoicing; Invoicing - Clients;Bug: [STABILITY 8.2] Can't download client invoice
DEV-8967Classic Projects and Quotes; Integrations - CAT - Groupshare;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Can not create Task in Groupshare 2017
DEV-8968System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] 'Worked for client' filter issue
DEV-8971Clients; Smart Project - Finance; Vendors;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Object error when CAT analysis file does not match with client TM Rate CAT Tool
DEV-8972Clients;Bug: [Stability 8.2] [$injector:modulerr] error in console when saving Rate tab in client profile
DEV-9003Client Portal - General; Client Portal - Quote and Project Request; System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Customer Portal in Contact Person
DEV-9006System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Email template preview issue
DEV-9007Vendor Portal;Bug: Vendor Portal-Data Format-Time Zone
DEV-9010Vendors;Bug: Vendor- Mailing address
DEV-9011System - Security;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Client dropdown at creating quote
DEV-9012System - Worklog;Bug: [Stabillity 8.2] Can't log work if time spent was incorrect for the 1st time
DEV-9014Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Error after deleting file during adding all files to Memoq
DEV-9020Clients; Vendors;Bug: Cell Phone not saved when adding address information on Vendor
DEV-9022Configuration - Clients and Vendors;Bug: Issue with multiple change of specialization
DEV-9034Configuration; Vendor Portal; Vendor Portal - Settings;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Can't set language of Vendor Portal in HP config
DEV-9039Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados; Integrations - CAT - Trados Agent;Bug: Newest Version of SDL Trados doesn't work with Trados Agent
DEV-9040BIRT Templates;Bug: Slovak instead of Slovenian birt templates
DEV-9043System - History;Bug: Classic history is not displayed in customer form
DEV-9045Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - People;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Null pointer when trying to change PM in Smart memoQ Project
DEV-9048Smart Project - Automations; Smart Project - Process; Smart Project - Process Design;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Automatic Job Spliting list stops showing chosen steps when one of them is deactivated
DEV-9052Smart Project - Technical;Bug: Broken db schema project assistant
DEV-9061BIRT Templates; Integrations - CAT;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Hard-coded CAT grid item names in templates
DEV-9063Smart Project - Process; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [Stability 8.2] [UI] Fork process tooltips with html tags
DEV-9064BIRT Templates;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Transaction rolled back during language doc preview
DEV-9065Configuration - User Management;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Text not wrapped in UI
DEV-9066Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: Issue with duplicating Classic Quote/Project
DEV-9067Client Portal - Localization;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Inconsistent localization files from xtrf-customers module
DEV-9068Vendor Portal - Localization;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Inconsistent localization from xtrf-providers module
DEV-9069Client Portal - General; Client Portal - Projects; Client Portal - Quotes;Bug: [Stability 8.2] [UI] Different size of validation frames at request a quote/project fields
DEV-9073Reports;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Incorrect filter settings in default sales report
DEV-9075System - Security; System - Worklog;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Worklog association
DEV-9083Filters and Views;Bug: [STABILITY 8.2] Missing calendar localization in Japanese
DEV-9084Classic Projects and Quotes; Integrations - CAT - Groupshare;Bug: [Stability 8.2] Inner exception when finishing Job in Job Manager
DEV-9088System - Worklog;Bug: [Stabillity 8.2] Can't log work if association was incorrect for the 1st time
DEV-9089Smart Project - Automations;Bug: [Stability 8.2] List of items in Automation dissapears when two of them are inactive
DEV-9090Configuration - General; System - Timezones;Bug: [Stability 8.2] User time zone configuration UI issues
DEV-9091Smart Project - General;Bug: UI - Client Deadline calendar in smart projects overlay
DEV-9094Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: Error when changing Project Manager in classic Quote
DEV-9107Classic Projects and Quotes; Integrations - CAT;Bug: Integration with CAT tool is malfunctioning with project duplication
DEV-9108Integrations - CAT - Memsource; Vendor Portal - Jobs;Bug: External projects links in vendor portal not working
DEV-9110Vendors;Bug: Issue with saving Provider's data in Invoicing -> Invoice Data
DEV-9112Integrations - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: CAT values not showing after upgrade to 8.2.2
DEV-9113branding;Bug: Custom Favicon - branding issues
DEV-9120Smart Project - Job Offers;Bug: 400 in console when typing Job Offer expiry time
DEV-9121Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: Steps automatically started - memoQ - Smart - 8.2.2
DEV-9132API;Bug: Swagger DELETE returns empty Error
DEV-9133API;Bug: Swagger add description for all requests
DEV-9134API;Bug: Swagger example value at PUT filter for browser is invalid
DEV-9136Customizations - Periodic Jobs; Integrations - Quickbooks Online;Bug: Periodic job unable to run periodically
DEV-9137API;Bug: Internal API visible on Swagger
DEV-9138API; System - Security;Bug: [Security] Erased contact person is able to login via single use login token from API
DEV-9142Smart Project - General;Bug: long time waiting for locks while deleting tuples in relation "pa_saga_entry"
DEV-9143Integrations - CAT - Memsource;Bug: NoSuchMethodError when I tried to add Memsource config
DEV-9144System;Bug: Doubled "/" in URL
DEV-9145Client Portal - API; Client Portal - Projects;Bug: Error when trying to list projects in CP
DEV-9146Smart Project - Files; Smart Project - Jobs; Smart Projects (in HP); Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Change 'add files' button on job sidebar in Smart Projects
DEV-9153API;Bug: Swagger invoicing issue
DEV-9155Customizations - Document Templates;Bug: Bad name of invoice
DEV-9157Client Portal - API;Bug: Swagger empty error with wrong body
DEV-9160API;Bug: POST Files not suitable for work with
DEV-9162API;Bug: Swagger license issue
DEV-9164API;Bug: Swagger Macro issues
DEV-9170Smart Project - Job Offers;Bug: Error in concole when all offers rejected
DEV-9176API;Bug: Swagger vendor invoices issues
DEV-9179Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Automatic option is not avaliable on popover in Smart MemoQ Projects
DEV-9182Login (in HP);Bug: Autosubmit login form for demo instance not working without onTrial flag
DEV-9191Client Portal - General;Bug: CP labels do not fall back on default en-us version
DEV-9192API; Smart Project - Finance;Bug: Swagger (finance) - POST /project/{projectId}/finance/payables returns 404
DEV-9196API;Bug: Swagger reports issue
DEV-9198Client Portal - API;Bug: Swagger Users issue
DEV-9199Smart Project - Job Offers;Bug: Display of job offer expiration time
DEV-9200API; Smart Project - Finance;Bug: home-api (finance) - POST /project/{projectId}/finance/payables - 500 when incorrect LC is used
DEV-9203API;Bug: Swagger Classics internalId issue
DEV-9206System - Smart Views;Bug: Character encoding issue in Client Name field
DEV-9207API; Smart Project - Finance;Bug: Swagger - Receivables: user rights not respected
DEV-9208Client Portal - General;Bug: Greek not available on the list of languages in CP
DEV-9209Client Portal - General;Bug: Customer Portal does not working
DEV-9210Configuration - Workflows;Bug: Organise bundles Automatic Action not working
DEV-9211Configuration - Templates; Integrations - CAT - XTM;Bug: Invalid method: createOpenXTMProjectLink
DEV-9212Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Unsupported file format found error with xlf file and multiple target languages
DEV-9215System;Bug: Cannot deploy xtrf-trunk2
DEV-9216Filters and Views;Bug: [UI] Filter "client name" does not work properly
DEV-9217API; Smart Project - Finance;Bug: Swagger - Percentage CU can be selected when adding a payable.
DEV-9220API; Client Portal - API;Bug: Swagger CP Client issues
DEV-9226Integrations - CAT - Trados Agent;Bug: Newest Version of SDL Trados 2019 doesn't work with Trados Agent
DEV-9235Integrations - CAT - XTM;Bug: (XTM) Correctly assigning xtrf vendors when they are LSP in XTM
DEV-9236Smart Projects (in HP); System - Smart Views;Bug: First Close Date column is updating
DEV-9238Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Lack of localization in Smart Quotes
DEV-9239Integrations - CAT - XTM;Bug: Integration error: Mapped external job is required for importing packages
DEV-9241Smart Projects and Quotes; System - Smart Views;Bug: First close date changes are not displayed on Project browse
DEV-9242Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Tooltip is displayed for admin and xtrf-team user
DEV-9244Integrations - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: MemoQ integration error
DEV-9253API;Bug: Swagger instructions issue
DEV-9257Vendor Portal - Invoices;Bug: Vendor is obligated to confirm the invoice pdf value even if no invoice file was uploaded
DEV-9260Client Portal - Quote and Project Request;Bug: Unable to Create a Request or Launch a Project over Customer Portal
DEV-9274API;Bug: CustomerDTO → Person is always null
DEV-9282API;Bug: Swagger PUT /tasks/{taskId}/customFields & clientTaskPONumber doesn't work
DEV-9285API;Bug: Swagger files adding to task issue
DEV-9286Smart Project - Files;Bug: Items on this page incorrectly calculated
DEV-9287API;Bug: Swagger POST /tasks/{taskId}/start
DEV-9289Smart Project - Communication;Bug: [UI] Project confirmation status not updated
DEV-9293API;Bug: [API] [Swagger] Smart project/quote can be created with inactive client
DEV-9295API;Bug: [API] Swagger - inactive specialization can be used in request
DEV-9301API;Bug: [API] Swagger- inactive targetLanguage can be used in request
DEV-9306Customizations - Document Templates;Bug: XTRF sets 2 document templates as default
DEV-9307Client Portal - API;Bug: Swagger CP-API inconsistent response format
DEV-9316Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados;Bug: Unable to select "Add CAT Payable" for only one job
DEV-9323Vendor Portal; Vendor Portal - Registration;Bug: Vendor Portal Registration not usable
DEV-9325Vendor Portal;Bug: Error when vendor finishes a job in VP
DEV-9326Configuration - Smart Projects;Bug: I can not change First Close Date when project status is not Closed
DEV-9327Configuration - Smart Projects; Smart Project - History;Bug: First Close Date change not saved in system date and time format in History
DEV-9328API;Bug: Swagger HP - authentication description page not found
DEV-9330Classic Projects and Quotes; System - History;Bug: First Close Date change is not recorded in Classic Project History
DEV-9332Pricing and Rates; Vendors;Bug: Vendor's minimum charges disappear when accepting rates
DEV-9333Vendor Portal;Bug: Summary card not displayed on profile-change-review page in VP
DEV-9357Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] - Use Partner Address checkbox restriction ignored
DEV-9360API - Documentation;Bug: [API] Swagger - Could not render this component, see the console.
DEV-9362API - Documentation;Bug: [API] Swagger- inactive links in documentation
DEV-9364Vendor Portal - Register and Sign in;Bug: VP activation link not working
DEV-9366Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] - POST /projects/tasks/{taskId}/review/files/reviewed issue
DEV-9370Clients;Bug: Contact photos missing on client page
DEV-9373Vendor Portal - Register and Sign in;Bug: Vendor Portal Show Password link text replaced by a string of code
DEV-9377Archive;Bug: Can't archive projects - "someString".split(
DEV-9379API - Documentation; Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] [Swagger] - GET /customer-api/system/session/files empty response body
DEV-9380API - Documentation; Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] [Swagger] /customer-api/system/session/files/{fileId} issue
DEV-9381API - Documentation; Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] [Swagger] DELETE /customer-api/system/session/files/{fileId} issue
DEV-9382API - Documentation; Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] [Swagger] POST /customer-api/system/validateToken issue
DEV-9384API - Documentation; Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] [Swagger] /system/mail/resetPassword issue
DEV-9385API - Documentation; Client Portal - API;Bug: [API] [CP] [Swagger] /customer-api/system/mail/contact issue
DEV-9386System - Worklog;Bug: [UI] Work log with no association to project doesn't work
DEV-9388API;Bug: [API] GET /accounting/providers/invoices/ids does not exist
DEV-9390API;Bug: [API] /accounting/customers/invoices/{invoiceId} - tasks null by default
DEV-9391API; API - Documentation;Bug: [API] [Swagger] /accounting/customers/invoices/{invoiceId}/payments - 404
DEV-9392API; API - Documentation;Bug: [API] [Swagger] GET /accounting/providers/invoices/{invoiceId}/payments - 406
DEV-9398API; API - Documentation;Bug: [API] [Swagger] POST /accounting/providers/invoices/{invoiceId}/payments - 404
DEV-9403API; API - Documentation;Bug: [API] [HP] POST /v2/projects/{projectId}/files/upload - No file part found
DEV-9409System; System - Security; Technical;Bug: xtrf.key can be accessed via gui and removed
DEV-9410Vendor Portal;Bug: Vendor Portal error when accepting Job Offer through Job Manager
DEV-9411Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (External) can access Job Offers section through a link in Jobs section
DEV-9412Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (External) should not see the Assignee drop-down in VP
DEV-9413Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (External) has access to Job Offers and POs if set as Default Contact Person
DEV-9415Classic Projects and Quotes; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: I can remove first close date field from project as admin
DEV-9424Smart Project - Process;Bug: Tooltip on smart job status indicator can display only "Open"
DEV-9428Smart Project - Process;Bug: Status colors pallete - wrong hex for Offers Sent status
DEV-9430Vendor Portal;Bug: Flags for jobs and vendor invoices visible in HP even though the LS toggle is not ON
DEV-9437Workflows;Bug: "Copy missing files on output" adds copies to inputs of steps ahead
DEV-9440System - Worklog;Bug: Worklog showing entries from past days
DEV-9452Filters and Views;Bug: Problem with data exports
DEV-9456Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (External) should not see job's invoice status
DEV-9468System - Worklog;Bug: Worklog Payable not syncing with the Worklog and updating Quantity
DEV-9469Integrations - QuickBooks;Bug: UI error no space after dropdown - Quickbooks Settings
DEV-9501Vendor Portal;Bug: Default CP set on vendor's price profile overrides VP people assignment
DEV-9514Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (External) should not see information on permissions
DEV-9515Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (External) should not be sent job offers, POs and invoice specifications
DEV-9520Vendor Portal;Bug: [UI] Show a tooltip in VP when VP user reassigns a job to another VP user
DEV-9521Clients;Bug: More then 100 Contact Person per Client issue
DEV-9524Vendor Portal;Bug: Regular User (Internal) can modify their permissions in VP
DEV-9539Finance; Integrations - CAT - Memsource;Bug: Cannot import metrics - memsource adjusted .csv analysis
DEV-9545Clients;Bug: Contact person not displayed after adding to Customer (needs page refresh)
DEV-9547Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Source Document (Link) category is not available in Files filter
DEV-9548Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: XTRF tries to add Source Document (Link) files to memoQ
DEV-9549Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Add Files popup issue
DEV-9552Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Missing tooltip when Download file action is disabled
DEV-9553Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Wrong tooltip on Delete action
DEV-9554Smart Project - Jobs;Bug: [UI] with script job
DEV-9555Files; Smart Project - Files; Smart Project - Process Design;Bug: Sharing Source Document Link and Reference categories with steps does not work correctly
DEV-9556Files; Smart Project - Files; Vendor Portal;Bug: Download options are available on VP
DEV-9557Vendors;Bug: Vendor Contact Persons incorrectly displayed in HP
DEV-9559Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: File name issue
DEV-9564Smart Project - Finance;Bug: Cannot use analysis with one target language ANY
DEV-9568Files; Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Get CAT Analysis Actions are available for S. D. (Link) category
DEV-9570Vendor Portal - Invoices;Bug: Invoice specification link in VP broken
DEV-9573Files; Smart Project - Files; Smart Project - Process Design;Bug: S.D. (Link) category not needed in previous Step Work File section
DEV-9574Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: I am not able to edit Link`s Name
DEV-9579Files; Vendor Portal - Jobs; Vendor Portal - Offers;Bug: VP UI issues
DEV-9582Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Add Files popup validation and name
DEV-9586Customizations - Custom Fields;Bug: Custom field not populating across quotes
DEV-9592Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: No category preselected on Edit Properties popup
DEV-9593Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: setAssignedPerson NullPointerException when provider for workflow job set
DEV-9596Client Portal - Technical;Bug: Remove AllUpperCase from Greek localization in CP
DEV-9601Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: I want to be able to choose S.D.(Link) category as Reference file
DEV-9603Vendor Portal;Bug: Error when sending PO to an External User whose initial role was Internal User
DEV-9606Imports - Technical;Bug: bower uncommitted changes in build
DEV-9619Files; Smart Project - Files; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Validation on Add Links popup stopped working
DEV-9628Vendor Portal; Vendors;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Regular User's (External) credentials incorrectly displayed in VP
DEV-9630Configuration - Smart Projects; Vendors;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Vendor CP not changed after changing price profile in Smart and Classic Projects
DEV-9633Files; Smart Project - Files;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Link is opened in the same page from Job Sidebar
DEV-9639Vendor Portal; Vendors;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] It is not possible to save Contact data for External User
DEV-9644Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] I can delete remote file shared with Invoiced Job
DEV-9646Vendor Portal; Vendor Portal - Localization;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Lack of localization for note in VP
DEV-9648Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Synchronize now link is active for Closed/Canceled/Rejected Smarts
DEV-9650Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Vendor Portal - Offers;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Columns on VP Job Offers are moved
DEV-9658Projects and Quotes;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Cross-site scripting vulnerability issue
DEV-9659Files;Bug: Low copying speed
DEV-9661Vendors;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Cannot access vendor's job using Vendor Schedule link
DEV-9662Classic Projects and Quotes; Client Portal - Quotes; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Quote can not be accepted from Client Portal
DEV-9666Smart Project - History;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Smart History popup is partially covered on zoom above 80%
DEV-9668Classic Projects and Quotes;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Vendor CP assignment not preserved when copying tasks
DEV-9671Dashboard;Bug: Branch drop down does not work in Dashboard
DEV-9672Configuration - Templates; System - Security;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Process Template tab is visible even if is not available for user
DEV-9681Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Not changed fuzzy matches are not confirmed in translated file
DEV-9692Smart Project - Files;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Files visibility on PA project sidebar
DEV-9695Integrations - CAT - XTM;Bug: XTM unknown file format
DEV-9696Smart Project - Files;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Equate behaviour of adding links and files
DEV-9702Smart Project - General;Bug: Searching for client in Project and Quote cration pages is not debounced and generates a lot of requests
DEV-9703Technical;Bug: [Multinode] Unnecessary warning CKEditor
DEV-9706Configuration - Templates;Bug: Email template content is cleared after saving
DEV-9708Classic Projects and Quotes; Vendor Portal - External Vendors;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Copying multilanguage tasks wth the same vendor gives strange results
DEV-9711Invoicing - Vendors; Smart Project - Finance;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Can not get to Vendor Invoice Display from Smart Project in specific cases
DEV-9731Filters and Views;Bug: [STABILITY 8.3] Diacritic letters are unsupported in filters
DEV-6563Files; Smart Project - Files;Epic: Remote files (links) in Smart Projects/Quotes
DEV-7425API; Smart Project - Finance; Smart Projects and Quotes;Epic: API - (#12) Smart Projects - add/edit/delete Receivables and Payables in Project/Quote
DEV-6247Customizations - Macros;Improvement: Log macro execution time
DEV-6500API; Invoicing - Clients; Invoicing - Vendors;Improvement: API changes in customer & vendor invoicing (invoice search & payment)
DEV-8339Vendor Portal - Company Profile; Vendor Portal - Jobs; Vendor Portal - Offers;Improvement: Regular users should not be able to see financial info in VP jobs or job offers
DEV-8436System - Security; Technical;Improvement: Encrypt mailbox passwords
DEV-8557API;Improvement: Swagger/Open APi 2.0
DEV-8786Vendor Portal - Invoices;Improvement: Vendor Portal (VP) - vendor invoices and jobs to be made invisible
DEV-8801Configuration - Smart Projects;Improvement: First Close Date in Smart Projects/Quotes
DEV-8877Technical;Improvement: Add Sentry support for monitoring frontend errors
DEV-8929Projects and Quotes; Smart Project - General;Improvement: Status colors pallete more diversified (higher contrasts)
DEV-8936Quote Request Form;Improvement: [UI] 'Search to display more items' in QRF not centered
DEV-8958Alerts; Scheduling; Smart Project - Jobs; Technical; Vendors;Improvement: Alerts for conflicted jobs should be based on actual start date when jobs are Started (PA)
DEV-9016System - About;Improvement: Update About > Localisation page
DEV-9197System - Smart Views;Improvement: Remove Screen Tours from All Pages
DEV-9251Configuration - Smart Projects;Improvement: wrong pa quartz configuration
DEV-9667System - Search (Quicksearch);Improvement: Chrome - Quicksearch obscured by chrome pop-up

Release Notes