How to deliver translated documents to Client?

This is an old version of the article. Please check the most up-to-date version in our new Knowledge Base.

Translated documents are available for delivery after the last Process Step is done.

To send the documents to the Client:

  1. Click on the Image 1874 Filter Button > Files in Final Jobs.
    Deliver documents to Client in XTRF 01

  2. Select the files you want to send (or skip this, and go directly to point 3).
  3. Click on File Actions > Send (All) Files to Client.
    Deliver documents to Client in XTRF 02

  4. A pop-up window is produced with a message to the Client. However, there are no files attached. Instead, XTRF generates a ZIP file that contains all the translated (or selected if you did not skip point 2) documents and creates a link to download it.


File Actions > Send All Files to Client is available at all times and lets you message the Client with all currently available files zipped (except for external memoQ files, such as bilinguals or TM's.)

This step can be automated. If you are interested follow the below link:

Jobs Files Clients

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