
SMTP Problems

Florence Rumsey 7 years ago updated by HeliCo Translation 7 years ago 3

Hi there,

As an XTRF newbie I'm taking the courses but on lesson zero but every time I try and send the test email I get this notification at the top of my screen: E-mail could not be sent, reason: 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid

Therefore I couldn't complete this step but want to move onto the next steps. 

Could you please let me know how to fix it ASAP that would be great - thanks! 

Best wishes, 




Dear Florence,

I have fixed the issue with your SMTP server. Please be aware that you should not change SMTP credentials as long as you do not have your own e-mail server.

Have a great day!

Best regards,

Satisfaction mark by Florence Rumsey 7 years ago

Dear Florence,

I have fixed the issue with your SMTP server. Please be aware that you should not change SMTP credentials as long as you do not have your own e-mail server.

Have a great day!

Best regards,

Hello Bartosz,

I am having this issue, too.

No matter how much research I do in internet, I cannot really understand how I can solve this out. First, I received this error: "Cannot find valid hostname for mail session", then, this one; 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. d12-v6sm9814427erg.2 - grmtp." and then, this one; "Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?".

I think I am really lost here. I need someone to help me so that I can start using XTRF, otherwise, months will past and I will end up not even starting to use it.

I have written everywhere and sent mails to any XTRF contact I have but I still couldn't receive any reply.

Best regards,


Dear Bartosz, 

Yes I received the email, thank you! I don't think I know how to change them but I won't touch it from now on :) 

Thank you for your prompt response. 

Best wishes,
