Adding more recipients to the job assignment mail

ahmed 7 years ago updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 7 years ago 3

Is it possible to add more than one recipient to the job assignment notification mail? 

For example : I want to send a job to a vendor while adding alias mail in the CC in addition to the project manager mail.


Hi Ahmed 
Yes, it is possible. You need to update the setting of the notification template which is used as the job assignment e-mail.

You will find all the notification templates in the System Configuration > Templates > Notifications, the Templates tab.
On the list of all templates select the one that is used to notify the vendor. 
for the Smart Projects, it will be - E-mail/Text Message to Vendor: When job is started in Smart Project
for the Classic Projects, it will be - E-mail/Text Message to Vendor: When job is started

In the E-mail template section, you can select who should be in CC of the notification. In the default setting of the notification template the Sender should be already selected for the CC, like this:

This means that the copy of the notification will be always sent to the user who is the notification sender.
If you would like to replace the Sender with the Project manager click the X marked below:

The Sender will be removed. Now click on the CC field, the system will display a pop-up window with all options available for this type of notification.
Select the Project Manager:

And click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Hi Marek,

Thanks for your illustrative reply. However, I have checked the System Configuration section but i couldn't find Templates > Notifications, the Templates tab. Can you please clarify as i couldn't find the Templates tab?   

Hi Ahmed 
The customization of the notifications becomes a built-in feature in XTRF version 7.0. Until then it might not be available for some pricing plans. This might be the reason why you can't find it.
But since you're interested in this feature we'll activate it in your system. It should be available in your XTRF now.