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Adding multiple parallel jobs

grigori 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 7


A newbie here so please bear with me. We have a rather large project (~150 thousand words) that was done over the course of the summer. All assignments were done in memoQ (our memoQ server is not connected to our XTRF, we're just a small startup). Due to the nature of the project we were sending out assignments in small batches (generating a relevant memoQ analysis log for each assignment), 15 in total. 

I now need to add receivable for each of these 15 assignments. I can't group them. What is the best way of creating 15 parallel jobs in XTRF? I have a knowledge of Plunet, so I know how it can be done in that environment, but I can't find a way to do it in XTRF. 

I tried using the fork functionality in the template designer, but it doesn't allow me to add more than 2 parallel jobs and they can't have the same target language.

Clearly I'm the idiot here and am missing something important in the way XTRF works, but I just can't put my finger on it :)

Any suggestions or requests for clarifications will be appreciated. 



If you are using Classic projects, you could use the "Copy Task" function and copy the task 15 times. Then just add the correct analysis to each task.

Kind regards,



Hi Grigori,

One job can support multiple receiveables/payables so if it is just the receiveables (and payables)another option would be to add in retrospect you do not need to create 15 jobs, just create one task/job and add multiple receivables/payables.

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What I would suggest in Smart Projects instead is to split the job into 15, and assign correct analysis files to each one in order to create a receivable. Fast and easy :)




This brings up the opportunity for improvement (unless I'm missing something), which is to allow for multiple splits in one go. Instead of having to split 15 times (which entails splitting, selecting only 1 job to re-split, and so on) XTRF could ask how many splits are needed and proceed accordingly.

Right Leo - There is a similar topic, so you can vote it up and suggest something more :)


You can by clicking "Add Job" in your workflow. The final result will look like the following:


This feature can surely be improved, however it is pretty useful when you have to split a task among more providers. Each provider will have his/her own payable.

Hope this helps!

Thanks so much to everyone for their useful suggestions! (I just realized I failed to properly thank you all in the heat of the moment).