How to add different TM rates to the same client

Céline 3 months ago updated 3 months ago 6

I have different TM rates pourcentages depending on the specialisation of the project. It seems that I can enter only one set of TM rates pourcentages for all specialisation, but I need different ones for different specialisation

I think you may have multiple options depending on your setup.

1) You can set up multiple price profiles on the client with different percentages, then add the rates for the correct specialization(s) to the price profile directly.

2) Or, if you use a linked price list, you can add the rates as separate line items for each specialization, then go in and click "Show TM rates" to set your tiers manually. This forces you to put in specific currency amounts rather than generic percentages, but it does allow you to set different tiered rates based on specialization.


Hi, I will try that. 

thank you very much. 


Can you use different price profiles within the same project?


No, one client price profile must be selected for the entire project. You can do this in the "rates" tab of the Finance section of a project. Specializations have the same limitation though; they must be selected for the entire project.

(I should note that we use "smart" projects, and so I have no experience with how classic projects work or differ.)


In Classic Projects, you can create multiple tasks in the same project and each task can have different specializations and/or price profiles.

Hi, I have not found out yet how to do this. Can you guide me?