
Email thread for XTRF notifications

Maciej (XTRF Senior Deployment & Training Specialist) 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

When XTRF generates new emails (either to a client, in house or with a vendor) is it able to do this and maintain an email thread if it has already been started?



The email goes out and you manage the reply in your Outlook or Thunderbird (or any other client) and maintaining the thread is out of our scope. But if you are referring to XTRF mailboxes, which allow you to see the XTRF-related emails within the interface, XTRF does not gather emails in threads. It however uses the same metadata used by thread-aware mechanisms in email clients to fetch the emails that originated inside.


The email goes out and you manage the reply in your Outlook or Thunderbird (or any other client) and maintaining the thread is out of our scope. But if you are referring to XTRF mailboxes, which allow you to see the XTRF-related emails within the interface, XTRF does not gather emails in threads. It however uses the same metadata used by thread-aware mechanisms in email clients to fetch the emails that originated inside.