
Three productivity / time saving development ideas

mark 5 years ago updated by Martyna Pałasz (XTRF Deployment & Training Specialist) 5 years ago 1

From one of my project managers...

1. Price Profiles on the payable window

ISSUE: If a vendor has multiple price profiles (for example, one regular profile and one discounted for a specific client), NO rate populates when you're entering payables (shows $0.00).

SUGGESTION: Add a dropdown list ON the payable window to select the applicable profile, and then the rate pops up.

TIME SAVINGS: When we add a payable and realize that the vendor has multiple profiles, We then have to open a new page, look up the vendor, go to the applicable price profile, find the rate for that language/service, then go back and manually enter the rate.

Image 1340

2. Uploading Translated Document should select target language (at least if there is only one)

ISSUE: When you add files, the source document shows up with the source language you have already selected for the project:

Image 1341

Great. But when you change it to Translated Document, why does the language change to "Any"? Why wouldn't it switch to the target language?

Image 1342

Only a slight annoyance but really frustrating when you're uploading entire batches and have to select the target language for EACH file.

3. Select all option for file uploads

Speaking of the above, it would be wonderful to have a "select all" option in the file upload box, for the same reason -- every time we upload a larger batch of files, we have to select the Category and Language for each file (10 files = 20 separate selections). Of course we zip files when possible, but it's not always possible when splitting up jobs/files among multiple vendors.

1. There is such functionality but on a different tab:

2. When you change source document to translated document with edit file properties then you should have pop up visible where you can add language of the file:

If you're uploading then indeed selected language is any. I can suggest putting this thread into Product development ideas forum, thank you!

3. When you're uploading multiple files at once you can select a category for all of them but the language needs to be selected manually (select all files with box next to Name and click edit properties):