Use of different branches vs. all headquarters

Meghan Cooper 5 years ago updated by Wim 4 years ago 3

Wondering how other users employ the branch functionality. Do you use headquarters for vendors and clients, or is there different information that you display to different groups? I'm wondering if our setup is unnecessarily complicated by having multiple branches to choose from when onboarding clients and vendors. 

Thanks Martyna, that makes sense. Although all clients and PMs are shared among our company, we have used different ones for the reasons I alluded to here https://xtrf.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/1779-ability-to-better-adjust-headquarter-branch-info-default-branches-for-vendors-and-clients Some of the information doesn't seem to pull in correctly to our templates. Wondered if this is a common issue?

Sorry to dig up this old post, but I was wondering if PMs from a different branch are able to see clients assigned not to their branch.

I do not see any option for this in the user groups and rights menu.