
Adding new files to an archived project

mark 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

I have a new situation with archived projects using smart projects. 

We had an old project that we had to run more edits on, but the project was already archived. We decided not to create a new project, since the translator was just going to do another round of edits and it didn't deserve a new project, and we handled it outside of XTRF. However, now it's done and we want to keep the new files as part of the archived zip files.

So, I'm going to download the archived files, extract the files, create a new zip with the new final document, and then archive that zip folder.

My question... Is there any thought of adding functionality to make archives more useable in Smart Projects? It's frustrating that XTRF Smart Projects can't extract files from archives requiring workarounds.




Hi Mark

We're looking into adding the de-archive option to the Smart project, it's a draft at the moment but hopefully, we would be able to deliver it within one of next releases. I can't promise 8.3 but maybe right after that.



Satisfaction mark by mark 6 years ago

Hi Mark

We're looking into adding the de-archive option to the Smart project, it's a draft at the moment but hopefully, we would be able to deliver it within one of next releases. I can't promise 8.3 but maybe right after that.

I'm really needing this de-archiving. :) 

We just had a situation that a challenging and non-communicative client got back to us with invoicing feedback 5 weeks after project close (this is an unusual situation) and we had to update the receivable. Needless to say, it's already been archived so we can't make any adjustments. 

I'm hoping for 8.3,,,