Exporting Importing Vendor Price Profiles / Not a standard format
I'm wondering if anyone else had this issue.
We have a few in-house vendors and most of them have different services and languages in their price profiles, so they are mostly unique. But we have a few that are identical. So, I needed to add an identical price profile for a new vendor, and we decided to export it from in-house vendor A, and import it into new in-house vendor B.
Here's the issue we came across...
I exported the price list from vendor A. However, when I went to import this list into vendor B, I realized that XTRF exports data in a different format than what it imports. So, I needed to manually split out source and target languages, update language names to match how it's listed in the system, add fields, change field names...
Not a huge deal, and not something that we come across everyday, but it made what could have been a 3 minute task take me 15 minutes.
Two questions.
1) Duplicating price profiles for vendors. Is there a better way than exporting and importing them? Did I take the long way around? Is there a better way?
2) To my XTRF friends, this isn't a huge priority, but I'd love to see standardized exporting and importing across the system. I don't think it elevates to a high level request, but if you are working in these areas, rolling out a standardized export import process would be nice. :)
Dear Mark,
Default XTRF Price Profile view does not give you an export that will allow you to immediately import it back. This is an expected result as import view is a lot less clear to read than a default view.
Can I create a vendor "Test Export Vendor" and view inside of this vendor price profile that will allow you to export and import back without any changes
I will paste the screenshot from a view that is designed to be available for immediate import.
If you would like me to create this view, let me know, but if you prefer to do it by yourself, just follow the headers of the columns!
I see what you did, and splitting up the source/target helps, but as you mentioned, it still isn't formatted to go back to the system and would need manual manipulation. Thanks for the offer, but i can update this view. I still wonder if there is another way to duplicate price profiles, but if this is the only way, I can work with it.
We deal with the same problem, both for vendor and client. We have created some google sheets that create the expected output from an input that is exportable. But it is not perfect, and always requires tweaking.
One thing that is very frustrating to us is the inability to deal with TM matches and rates in the import. That still has to be done manually, unless I am missing something.
If you mean TM percentage and fixed rates, then yes, right now it is not possible to import those with out of the box solution.
This view that I have presented on screenshot, should not need any manual manipulation.
I suggest you to check it and if it will not work, let me know and I will try to fix whatever issue that might appear
Hi Bartosz, I have created the view you suggest in an attempt to simplify our maintenance work. I made one modification and added the 'Currency ISO Code' instead of the 'Currency Display Name' as this is the data I usually include in the 'Currency' column in the import file. This should be OK, but I am wondering if you could let me know if it is possible to add the 'Vendor' and 'Vendor Price Profile' data as separate columns to the view as well? If this data was included I imagine I would be able to first export and combine several price profiles, next compare and update and finally import all in one go?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I will paste the screenshot from a view that is designed to be available for immediate import.
If you would like me to create this view, let me know, but if you prefer to do it by yourself, just follow the headers of the columns!