
ISO 171000 certification

mark 7 years ago updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago 4

Is anyone in this group ISO 171000 certified? We're about to go through this process and I was wondering how XTRF has helped or created challenges in coming into compliance with this standard. Any thoughts?

SimulTrans is ISO 17100 certified.  We went through the initial certification (transition from EN 15038) before implementing XTRF and recently had a recertification audit that went smoothly.


  • Record of translator qualification
  • Traceability of translator identity for each assignment
  • Record of each round of review


  • Not possible to easily track or report what has changed in each review round (we do this comparison manually using other tools)
  • Customer survey not flexible enough to record Net Promoter Score and narrative input (we still use our old survey tool instead of XTRF integrated survey)
  • No integrated quality management system issue tracking tool (we still use our old quality database)

I would be happy to talk with you more about our ISO 17100 experience.  Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to have a conversation.

Best wishes for a smooth certification process!


Thanks Adam for your insight. I'd love to talk next week. Can we private message on this board?

I don't see a way to send a private message here. You are welcome to contact me at adam.jones@simultrans.com or +1-650-605-1305.