Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago
in Minor Release, e.g. 8.2.0
updated by Leszek Bigos (XTRF Technical Writer) 4 years ago •
6.x major releases run on Java 8 - this product line will serve as the base for XTRF 7.
Major releases are also known as Early Access Preview and are not recommended for production use.
2017-09-06 | ||
Ticket | Components | Description |
DEV-5788 | Smart Project - Job Offers; Vendors - Selection Rules; | Sub-task: Create frontend for multiple levels of sorting in vendor selection rules |
DEV-5802 | System - History; | Sub-task: [UI] adjust to changes in backend |
DEV-5937 | Customer Portal - API; | Sub-task: Add "smart" flag to services in Customer Portal API |
DEV-2047 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: Use newest available CAT Analysis File should be default in Receivables |
DEV-3097 | Customer Portal - Projects; Smart Project - Documents; | Bug: [UI] Project Confirmation downloadable from CP even if not sent from HP |
DEV-3790 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Incorrect unzipping with memsource |
DEV-3973 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: 500 wordcount barrier in Smart Project integration with memoQ? |
DEV-4031 | Feedback and Evaluation; | Bug: Quality assurance> feedback table custom view |
DEV-4124 | Configuration - Smart Projects; | Bug: Smart Projects create folder structure like Classic Projects |
DEV-4368 | Quote Request Form; Quotes; | Bug: [UI] Loading Quote Request Form gives file not found error with locale parameter |
DEV-4472 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Edit properties popover is opened in different place after choosing category |
DEV-4611 | Customizations - Notifications; | Bug: [UI] Incorrect expression in French version of template: E-mail/Text Message to User: When client approves a quote |
DEV-4612 | Customizations - Notifications; | Bug: [UI] Incorrect text in Dutch version of template: E-mail/Text Message to User: When client approves a quote |
DEV-4615 | Customizations - Notifications; | Bug: [UI] Missing gap in Polish version of template: E-mail/Text Message to User: When client rejects a quote |
DEV-4667 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: [UI] Correct icon alignment in tables |
DEV-4714 | Smart Project - Jobs; | Bug: [UI] To big space after Job Action button on Jobs card |
DEV-4766 | Customers; Vendors; | Bug: Photo uploaded from the social media not showing anywhere |
DEV-4809 | Customer Portal - Projects; | Bug: [STABILITY 6.9] [UI] Missing checkbox in CP when launching a project |
DEV-4811 | Configuration; | Bug: Show Email queue details when flag On Saas is true |
DEV-4827 | User Interface; | Bug: [Stability 6.9] [UI] No spacing between checkboxes |
DEV-4866 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK 8] [UI] Cancel classic project job window doesn't fit |
DEV-4960 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: [UI] Background color while adding a quote / project is not consistent |
DEV-4979 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: Wrong filenames after download in Smart Projects |
DEV-4988 | Opportunities; | Bug: [UI] There is no 'No matching results' when adding client to opportunity |
DEV-5009 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Cannot add Categories to Task |
DEV-5047 | Vendor Portal - Company Profile; | Bug: [STABILITY 6.10] Cannot set minimum rate for CAT grid via VP |
DEV-5056 | Pricing and Rates; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Issues when adding calculation unit in clients/vendors rates |
DEV-5089 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: Automatic and semi-automatic finances ignore Fixed TM Rates Type |
DEV-5097 | System - Worklog; | Bug: [UI] When 'Log Work' doubled time is doubled |
DEV-5132 | System - History; | Bug: History: Filters issue |
DEV-5195 | System - History; | Bug: History: No History action about Preferences |
DEV-5196 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Wrong localisation of some Client actions |
DEV-5238 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Added Project - incorrect details |
DEV-5239 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Added Receivable - incorrect details |
DEV-5260 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: Project TM missing |
DEV-5261 | Customer Portal - General; | Bug: Incorrect HTML code interpretation |
DEV-5295 | System - History; | Bug: History: Date filter filters badly |
DEV-5360 | Configuration - General; | Bug: [UI] Reply-to typo in the Configuration |
DEV-5380 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Filters name and distance |
DEV-5385 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: memoQ 8.1 API errors? |
DEV-5410 | System - Smart Views; | Bug: No delete button in Smart view |
DEV-5419 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [UI] Invoicing Terms visual issues |
DEV-5491 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Pop-up about file details to big |
DEV-5501 | Integrations - QuickBooks; | Bug: QuickBooks - Improved payments synchronization |
DEV-5557 | Quotes; | Bug: Cannot accept / reject quote from mail when Quote turned on in history |
DEV-5573 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Spin icon does not spin properly |
DEV-5584 | Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados; | Bug: Trados 2017 error when creating project with TB |
DEV-5594 | System - History; | Bug: Wrong alphabetic order in Action Filter |
DEV-5604 | Customers; Vendors; | Bug: Displaying Address in Contact Person |
DEV-5623 | Customer Portal - Quotes; Smart Project - General; | Bug: Leaving empty Quote name makes Customer portal not being able to show quotes |
DEV-5668 | System - General; | Bug: XRTF was down since memory issue |
DEV-5680 | System - History; | Bug: [UI] Scope and Name filters flshes when go to History in some scope |
DEV-5681 | System - History; | Bug: Number of actions in History issue |
DEV-5685 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: Unable to create a new Smart Project |
DEV-5686 | Quotes; | Bug: Budget Codes double displayed on Classic Quote |
DEV-5687 | Vendor Portal - Jobs; | Bug: Problem with uploading .rtf file |
DEV-5690 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Categories dropdown list - note left alligned |
DEV-5691 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] 'Don't Change' not listed in 'special items' |
DEV-5692 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] 'Any' not listed in Target Language's 'special items' |
DEV-5693 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] 'Any' not listed in 'special items' for certain Categories |
DEV-5694 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] 'Any' not available in 'special items' for CAT Analysis |
DEV-5695 | Smart Project - Process; | Bug: [UI] Search in change process is not working properly |
DEV-5698 | Smart Project - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Wrong filters size on Smart History |
DEV-5699 | Classic Project; Integrations - CAT; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Incorrect label for 'Add CAT Receivable ...' button |
DEV-5703 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] No redirection to first filtered page in History |
DEV-5704 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] No way to reset filters in each scope History |
DEV-5706 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Wrong localization in history in CP |
DEV-5708 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [UI] Receivables and payables on the same page in smart finance |
DEV-5709 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Filters are connected when zoom in |
DEV-5711 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Total agreed action repeated |
DEV-5715 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Repeatable action on History |
DEV-5718 | Smart Project - Job Offers; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Timeouted Job Offers don't revert to open when changing vendor |
DEV-5720 | Customers; Vendors; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Vendor/Customer Legal name not saved correctly |
DEV-5723 | Smart Project - Scripted Step Types; | Bug: [Scripted Jobs] Cannot find function localizedName |
DEV-5724 | System - History; | Bug: No information about Job changes in History |
DEV-5729 | Classic Project; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Calculation Unit displayed badly |
DEV-5731 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] [History] No search by Client/Vendor ID |
DEV-5749 | Quote Request Form; | Bug: New QRF does not use localized values for FR localization |
DEV-5750 | System - History; | Bug: History: unnecessary loading when filter is not changed |
DEV-5755 | System - History; | Bug: [History] No pagination shown in some cases |
DEV-5758 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: memoQ delivery not changing state in Xtrf |
DEV-5763 | Integrations - CAT - XTM; | Bug: When adding CAT receivables to quote using external system nothing happens |
DEV-5764 | Localization; | Bug: French localization not displayed on CP login page |
DEV-5771 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: Cannot download file- Internal server error |
DEV-5779 | Customer Portal - Technical; System - Security; Vendor Portal - Technical; | Bug: No login/logout information in logs |
DEV-5780 | Vendor Portal; | Bug: Xtrf Vendor session time out |
DEV-5785 | Invoicing; Invoicing - Vendors; | Bug: Tax Calculation Rule for Vendor Invoices |
DEV-5793 | Log-Viewer; Vendor Portal; | Bug: Cannot browse logs via log viewer |
DEV-5809 | Smart Project - Process Design; | Bug: [UI] Blurred 'Delete' button in Process Designer |
DEV-5812 | Customizations - Custom Fields; Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: Date (and Time) Custom Fields are ignored in vendor selection rule |
DEV-5815 | Smart Project - Technical; Technical; | Bug: incorrect /status during replay |
DEV-5820 | System; | Bug: Cannot deploy environment from branch master |
DEV-5821 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Memsoucre Integration: Translation & Revision - Bundle Not Assigned |
DEV-5825 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Worked for this client - filter name displayed incorrectly |
DEV-5826 | Smart Project - Job Offers; | Bug: Job offer after acceptance does not change status to started |
DEV-5830 | Smart Project - Job Offers; Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: Wrong filters styling |
DEV-5834 | Configuration; | Bug: Cannot change Vendor Selection Rules (classic) |
DEV-5844 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Incorrect label in filter settings in VSR - Vendors on holidays |
DEV-5848 | System - Migration (Scripts); | Bug: Missing column in clean database |
DEV-5852 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: Project is launched when non CAT tool step started |
DEV-5855 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: I am able to remove Target Languages from locked project |
DEV-5856 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: Cannot edit Properties in Vendor Selection Rules (Smart) |
DEV-5868 | API; Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Memsource integration: switch to v3 of user/list API |
DEV-5879 | Vendor Portal - Registration; | Bug: Cannot register new Vendor in VP (dev mode) |
DEV-5882 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Cannot create project in Memsource with new PM |
DEV-5884 | Smart Project - Process Design; | Bug: [UI] Tooltip in Step Sidebar displayed incorrectly |
DEV-5897 | Configuration; Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Error in support for Memsource vendor accounts |
DEV-5900 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Worked for this client - missing options in dropdown |
DEV-5901 | Smart Project - Automations; Smart Project - Job Offers; | Bug: "Start when Vendor is selected from Job Offers" should be always possible to select |
DEV-5911 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: File sharing not selected on Share file with job popup |
DEV-5915 | Vendor Portal; | Bug: Change button's name in VP |
DEV-5919 | Smart Project - Process; Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: Process designer or template changes are not saved |
DEV-5922 | Classic Project; Configuration - Integration; Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Correct ISO 639-1 code for Bosnian (bs) |
DEV-5925 | Invoicing - Customers; | Bug: Error while changing status of Customer invoice |
DEV-5926 | Integrations - QuickBooks; | Bug: Issue while launching QB Web Connector |
DEV-5927 | Login (in HP); | Bug: Error stack trace when user provides invalid login |
DEV-5928 | Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: Cannot search languages by symbol |
DEV-5936 | BIRT Templates; Invoicing; | Bug: Dates on default invoice templates do not work |
DEV-5940 | Invoicing - Vendors; | Bug: Jobs Totals on Vendor Invoice cannot be formatted |
DEV-5941 | Customizations - Notifications; | Bug: Swedish diacritics cannot be used in Notification (förfrågan) |
DEV-5946 | Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: [UI] Spoiled localization in Smart after Languages added |
DEV-5947 | Invoicing - Customers; | Bug: [UI] 'Gross Total in Words' in Customer Invoice display issue. |
DEV-5953 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Worked for this client - correct filter label |
DEV-5958 | Configuration - Clients and Vendors; | Bug: [UI] Show expected invoicing dates - question mark displayed incorreclty |
DEV-5959 | Configuration - Smart Projects; Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Vendor Selection Rules (Smart) - buttons displayed incorreclty |
DEV-5976 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; Resources; | Bug: Temporary TM created in memoQ project - against the workflow settings |
DEV-5983 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: Automatic action anonimizer does not start and returns error |
DEV-6011 | Customizations - Notifications; | Bug: Wrong expression in french e-mail template |
DEV-6013 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Memsource tasks stalling XTRF |
DEV-6014 | System - Home Page; | Bug: [UI] No browses content visible |
DEV-6018 | System - History; | Bug: Support contact person change action |
DEV-6024 | Filters and Views; System - Smart Views; | Bug: [UI] No tooltip displayed till page refreshed |
DEV-6035 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] 'Sort by' dropdown is empty after moving |
DEV-6036 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] 'Sort by' dropdowns cannot be edited separately |
DEV-6038 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] 'Sort by' dropdowns cannot be deleted separately |
DEV-6044 | Invoicing - Vendors; | Bug: Cannot create provider empty invoice |
DEV-6053 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Newly added 'Sort by' dropdowns should be empty |
DEV-6067 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [UI] Better display of 'Prepayment - Amount' in Smart Projects |
DEV-6070 | Technical; | Bug: [UI] Fix xtrf-ui-style-guide build |
DEV-5782 | System; | Business Task: Remove properties files without language code |
DEV-5783 | Customizations - Periodic Jobs; | Business Task: XTRF > Salesforce testing |
DEV-5822 | System; | Business Task: Continuous-migration-pa repair jenkins build |
DEV-2875 | Smart Project - Automations; Smart Project - Job Offers; Smart Project - Jobs; | Improvement: Job Autostarting on manual Job Offer accept (without Job Offers automation) |
DEV-3594 | Log-Viewer; | Improvement: Show Replaying progress on Post-initialization |
DEV-4076 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Improvement: Remove support for MemoQ 2014 R2 and earlier |
DEV-4637 | Smart Project - Job Offers; Vendors - Selection Rules; | Improvement: Job Offers: Add option to filter by "Worked for This Client" in Vendor Selection Rules |
DEV-4672 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Improvement: As PM, I want to log into Memsource under my own alias to get a broader overview of the project |
DEV-4775 | Customer Portal - Projects; | Improvement: Property projectConfirmationAvailable available for GET /projects/ in Customer Portal |
DEV-5454 | Customizations - Notifications; Smart Projects and Quotes; | Improvement: Make jobs scope available in project and quote scopes |
DEV-5744 | Smart Project - Technical; System - Performance; | Improvement: Better database indexing for PA |
DEV-6008 | Customer Portal - Quote & Project Request; | Improvement: Change "Select Business Area" to "Select specialization" in the Customer Portal |
DEV-4857 | System - History; | Story: Create history for customers |
DEV-4970 | Audit Entries; System - History; | Story: [UI] Classic project history |
DEV-5028 | System - History; | Story: Add ability to keep history entries only for particular time |
DEV-5029 | System - History; | Story: Implement audit for Projects and quotes |

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago

Leszek Bigos (XTRF Technical Writer) 4 years ago
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Customer support service by UserEcho