

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 8 years ago 1

6.10.x major releases run on Java 7

6.x major releases run on Java 8 - this product line will serve as the base for XTRF 7.

Major releases are also known as Early Access Preview and are not recommended for production use.

DEV-3638Smart Project - Files;Bug: [UI] Styleguide Fixes in Files Panel
DEV-4402Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: Error when file`s category changed while uploading files
DEV-5284Configuration - System Values; Vendor Portal - Company Profile;Bug: [UI] Incorrect calculation units when adding new service in Vendor Portal
DEV-5576Integrations - CAT - Memsource;Bug: Creating memsource integrated projects using many files is too slow
DEV-5608System;Bug: Cannot perform migration - NoSuchElementException: key not found: null
DEV-5617Configuration - Workflows; Integrations - CAT - XTM;Bug: [Stability 6.10.5] Can not see External System tab
DEV-5624Smart Project - Scripted Step Types;Bug: Cannot complete scripted step
DEV-5642Integrations - CAT - XTM;Bug: XTRF-XTM integration issues
DEV-5677System;Business Task: Testing migration process to 6.10.5
Release Notes