

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 8 years ago 1

6.10.x major releases run on Java 7

6.x major releases run on Java 8 - this product line will serve as the base for XTRF 7.

Major releases are also known as Early Access Preview and are not recommended for production use.

DEV-2774Vendor Portal - Public/Authentication;Bug: Vendor Portal session do not expire
DEV-3513CRM; System - Smart Views;Bug: Impossible to delete phone call/memo/etc in smart views; still possible in old views
DEV-4466Technical;Bug: Unnecessary error related to rounding
DEV-4561Vendor Portal - Technical;Bug: Vendor portal tmp files not removed
DEV-4654API; Customizations - Periodic Jobs; System - Licensing;Bug: Periodic Jobs & Web Service API accesible even when disabled on Licence Server
DEV-4815Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files;Bug: [Stability 6.9] [UI] Messages are connected on Files card / "CAT Tool Analysis files ... "
DEV-4822Filters and Views; Smart Project - Files;Bug: [UI] Filters in SP for files are not working properly
DEV-4950BIRT Templates;Bug: BIRT4 activation returns duplicate key value violates unique constraint "unique_builtin_templates"
DEV-4952Customer Portal - Quote & Project Request;Bug: Client contact with multiple offices not showing correct data
DEV-5136Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados;Bug: XTRF does not support Trados analyses from some Asian languages
DEV-5350Smart Projects (in HP);Bug: commons.globalError fail message appears every time smart project is opened
DEV-5376Vendors - Selection Rules;Bug: [UI] Inactive Vendor Selection Rules is still visible in Send Job Offer window
DEV-5473Configuration - Workflows;Bug: Files and directories not visible for a Customer within workflow definitions despite being switched on
DEV-5536System;Bug: Cannot deploy environment from branch xtrf-6.10-dev
DEV-4836System;Improvement: Eliminate security vulnerabilities (V5 & V4)
DEV-4998System;Improvement: (pkt. 3.7) [UI] Privilege Escalation - V4 - url fragments validation
DEV-5086System - Security;Improvement: Session is not invalidated after Logout – V3
DEV-5117System - Security;Improvement: (pkt. 3.6, 3.8) Cross-site scripting vulnerability in footer notification
DEV-4302Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Story: Implement Action: GetCATAnalysisInCATToolProject
Release Notes