

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 8 years ago 1

6.10.x major releases run on Java 7

6.x major releases run on Java 8 - this product line will serve as the base for XTRF 7.

Major releases are also known as Early Access Preview and are not recommended for production use.

DEV-3356Smart Project - Automations;Bug: [Stability 6.4] Automatic Vendor shows in Project after Languages or Dates are added
DEV-4089Localization; Smart Project - Automations;Bug: [Stability 6.7] Automations for Smart Projects and Quotes ctrl + f5 problem
DEV-4217Vendors;Bug: Weekends not workdays
DEV-4235Vendor Portal; Vendor Portal - Registration;Bug: Loading screen during vendor registration process
DEV-4238Smart Project - General;Bug: [UI] Customer Deadline hour in Smart Project reverts itself
DEV-4542Smart Project - General; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [UI] Smart Projects - Instructions, Customer PO etc. disappear if typed in too fast
DEV-4645Customizations - Custom Fields; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Value copied to other custom filed after duplication
DEV-4796Invoicing - Customers;Bug: Oops! message when adding an invoice.
DEV-4878Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: After Project in memoQ is created I can not add Target Language
DEV-4886Projects;Bug: Project not possible to edit
DEV-4892Feedback and Evaluation;Bug: After update XTRF changed the evaluation scale to 5 point from 10 point
DEV-5010Classic Project; System;Bug: Add Invoice button not left aligned
DEV-5022System - Timezones;Bug: bug in the Welocalize Synchronization.
DEV-5041Configuration;Bug: Adding plain text to Quote Request Form still doesn't work in Microsoft Edge
DEV-5052Smart Project - Jobs;Bug: Wrong translation duration
DEV-5075Smart Project - General;Bug: Database fixing script
DEV-5078Customer Portal - Quotes;Bug: Portal file upload malfunction
DEV-5233Feedback and Evaluation;Bug: Evaluation is not changed on LISA evaluation template
DEV-5257Feedback and Evaluation;Bug: Evaluation is not displayed properly on LISA evaluation document template
DEV-594Configuration;Epic: Project/Quote Security/Permissions (absolute minimum)
Release Notes