

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 8 years ago 1
DEV-5937Customer Portal - API;Sub-task: Add "smart" flag to services in Customer Portal API
DEV-3973Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: 500 wordcount barrier in Smart Project integration with memoQ?
DEV-4436Smart Project - Files;Bug: [UI] Languages are not changed from 'Any' for several categories
DEV-4979Smart Project - Files;Bug: Wrong filenames after download in Smart Projects
DEV-5764Localization;Bug: French localization not displayed on CP login page
DEV-5779Customer Portal - Technical; System - Security; Vendor Portal - Technical;Bug: No login/logout information in logs
DEV-5785Invoicing; Invoicing - Vendors;Bug: Tax Calculation Rule for Vendor Invoices
DEV-5821Integrations - CAT - Memsource;Bug: Memsoucre Integration: Translation & Revision - Bundle Not Assigned
DEV-5855Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ;Bug: I am able to remove Target Languages from locked project
DEV-5919Smart Project - Process; Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: Process designer or template changes are not saved
DEV-5940Invoicing - Vendors;Bug: Jobs Totals on Vendor Invoice cannot be formatted
DEV-5941Customizations - Notifications;Bug: Swedish diacritics cannot be used in Notification (förfrågan)
DEV-5946Smart Projects and Quotes;Bug: [UI] Spoiled localization in Smart after Languages added
Release Notes