Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago
in Minor Release, e.g. 8.2.0
updated by Leszek Bigos (XTRF Technical Writer) 4 years ago •
6.x major releases run on Java 8 - this product line will serve as the base for XTRF 7.
Major releases are also known as Early Access Preview and are not recommended for production use.
2017-07-25 | ||
Ticket | Components | Description |
DEV-5722 | System; | Sub-task: [UI] Change CSSes according to specification |
DEV-2774 | Vendor Portal - Public/Authentication; | Bug: Vendor Portal session do not expire |
DEV-3513 | CRM; System - Smart Views; | Bug: Impossible to remove phone call/memo/etc in smart views - something possible in old views |
DEV-3572 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: Smart integration with memoq tries to synchronize project before memoq integration is initialized |
DEV-3638 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Styleguide Fixes in Files Panel |
DEV-4089 | Localization; Smart Project - Automations; | Bug: [Stability 6.7] Automations for Smart Projects and Quotes ctrl + f5 problem |
DEV-4217 | Vendors; | Bug: Weekends not workdays |
DEV-4238 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: [UI] Customer Deadline hour in Smart Project reverts itself |
DEV-4402 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files; | Bug: Error when file`s category changed while uploading files |
DEV-4424 | Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: Smart Quote with Ready jobs and Volume cannot be Approved |
DEV-4454 | Localization; | Bug: Smart Connectors [BETA] - no longer BETA in v6.0 |
DEV-4466 | Technical; | Bug: Unnecessary error related to rounding |
DEV-4542 | Smart Project - General; Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: [UI] Smart Projects - Instructions, Customer PO etc. disappear if typed in too fast |
DEV-4561 | Vendor Portal - Technical; | Bug: Vendor portal tmp files not removed |
DEV-4654 | API; Customizations - Periodic Jobs; System - Licensing; | Bug: Periodic Jobs & Web Service API accesible even when disabled on Licence Server |
DEV-4710 | Vendor Portal; | Bug: [UI] No space between Company Name and Vendor Portal |
DEV-4727 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Button go back is not working when error is occured |
DEV-4754 | Filters and Views; | Bug: [JDK8] Old browsers - cannot add new view |
DEV-4761 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: [JDK8] Adding cat tool to workflow is not working after first time |
DEV-4767 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] Project tree menu at task page is freaky - project ID is missing |
DEV-4783 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [JDK8] XTRF is currently processing a request when receivable/payable has been added |
DEV-4785 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add cat receivable in Smart Project |
DEV-4791 | Customizations - Document Templates; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Document template preview input is too small |
DEV-4805 | System; System - Security; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot save XTRF_TOKEN |
DEV-4811 | Configuration; | Bug: Show Email queue details when flag On Saas is true |
DEV-4815 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [Stability 6.9] [UI] Messages are connected on Files card / "CAT Tool Analysis files ... " |
DEV-4820 | Smart Project - Job Offers; | Bug: Overlapping warning message on Job Offers popup |
DEV-4822 | Filters and Views; Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Filters in SP for files are not working properly |
DEV-4845 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: [JDK8] Adding memoQ cat tool after deploy |
DEV-4846 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Drop down list in xtm workflow |
DEV-4852 | Reports; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Bad location error message on cashflow |
DEV-4864 | Login (in HP); System - Security; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot login into xtrf spring security issue |
DEV-4868 | Configuration; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot save client setting in configuration |
DEV-4874 | Configuration - Workflows; Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add sdl trados/groupshare to workflow no class PropertyUtils |
DEV-4878 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: After Project in memoQ is created I can not add Target Language |
DEV-4882 | CRM; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot access CRM 'new e-mail from template' in Customer Profile |
DEV-4883 | Pricing and Rates; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot enter client language combination with Any to Any combination |
DEV-4884 | Pricing and Rates; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot confirm rate when adding a new rate |
DEV-4887 | Configuration - System Values; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add payment methods |
DEV-4891 | Configuration - Partner Management; | Bug: [JDK8] Vendor Portal Settings: Cannot fill 'Define currencies for selected countries' |
DEV-4896 | System - Worklog; | Bug: [JDK8] Worklog issues |
DEV-4908 | Files; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot upload files with more then 10 mb |
DEV-4915 | Customers; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Notes in customer & vendor profile - icons moving to next line |
DEV-4918 | Invoicing; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add payment method from Client Invoice page |
DEV-4920 | Customers; | Bug: [JDK8] Customer profile - switching between tabs |
DEV-4921 | Customizations - Periodic Jobs; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot enter configuration for Periodic Jobs |
DEV-4931 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Upper bar hight is reduced |
DEV-4937 | Vendors; | Bug: [JDK8] Vendor Files & Qualifications - add education |
DEV-4940 | User Interface; | Bug: [JDK8] [FIREFOX] Dropdown lists have wrong style |
DEV-4948 | Smart Connectors; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add/edit Smart Connectors |
DEV-4950 | BIRT Templates; | Bug: BIRT4 activation returns duplicate key value violates unique constraint "unique_builtin_templates" |
DEV-4952 | Customer Portal - Quote & Project Request; | Bug: Client contact with multiple offices not showing correct data |
DEV-4953 | Invoicing - Vendors; | Bug: Invoiceable setting overwritten automatically |
DEV-4954 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: [JDK8] Could not execute batch when creating smart project |
DEV-4966 | Alerts; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot click on 'Folder' inside vendor Files & Qualifications |
DEV-4967 | Alerts; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Date field returns cryptic error when not filled during save |
DEV-4972 | Configuration - General; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Wrong format of Vendor and Client Default Values > Integration Rates tables |
DEV-4973 | Configuration - General; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Ckeckboxes and radiobuttons are too far from left site |
DEV-4974 | Configuration - Templates; | Bug: [JDK8] Template Type in blue |
DEV-4975 | Customers; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Customer profile - CAT Tools & Acceptance of Terms |
DEV-4977 | Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: [UI] NaNm listed as time unit in Time Tracking |
DEV-4978 | Dashboard; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] No possibility to move widgets manually |
DEV-4989 | Classic Project; Files; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add output files in classic project |
DEV-4990 | Files; | Bug: [JDK8] Changed pop-up when file selected |
DEV-4991 | Classic Project; Files; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot add input files to project |
DEV-4992 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot upload analasis file CAT payable classic project |
DEV-4996 | Vendors; | Bug: [JDK8] Vendor Files & Qualifications - add Work Experience |
DEV-5003 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot save Custom Directories settings in Workflow Definition |
DEV-5004 | Vendors; | Bug: [JDK8] "Default" vendor profile |
DEV-5005 | Vendor Portal - Users & My Account; | Bug: [JDK8] [VP] Cannot edit vendor information |
DEV-5006 | Integrations - Quickbooks Online; | Bug: [JDK8] QBO synchronization failed |
DEV-5008 | Integrations - QuickBooks; | Bug: [JDK8] QB synchronization failed |
DEV-5009 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Cannot add Categories to Task |
DEV-5011 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] Issue after delete task from classic project |
DEV-5014 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] Clicking on cogwheel icon in Task/Job doesn't work |
DEV-5018 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Doubled Bundle: files when uploading files to Job |
DEV-5019 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] TypeError: G.stopPropagation is not a function message when use Folder or Selection button |
DEV-5021 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Small pop-ups with scrolls |
DEV-5022 | System - Timezones; | Bug: bug in the Welocalize Synchronization. |
DEV-5025 | Projects; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot open project page after deploy |
DEV-5037 | System - General; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Wrong size of popups |
DEV-5041 | Configuration; | Bug: Adding plain text to Quote Request Form still doesn't work in Microsoft Edge |
DEV-5054 | System - Home Page; | Bug: [JDK8] Could not execute batch/action in hibernate |
DEV-5059 | Classic Project; | Bug: [UI] To big space before Select Vendor |
DEV-5060 | Availability Request; Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] When Edit E-mail template popup is wrong placed |
DEV-5062 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Stars are to far from labels |
DEV-5063 | Classic Project; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Mandatory calendar is not always opening |
DEV-5065 | Feedback and Evaluation; Reports; | Bug: [JDK8] After Vendor evaluation was added and Report generated an error ocured |
DEV-5070 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: [JDK8] No bilingual document updated in memoQ when RTF files uploaded |
DEV-5078 | Customer Portal - Quotes; | Bug: Portal file upload malfunction |
DEV-5081 | Quote Request Form; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] Languages on QRF are out of form |
DEV-5089 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: Automatic and semi-automatic finances ignore Fixed TM Rates Type |
DEV-5095 | Vendors; | Bug: [JDK8] Error when try to change and Apply Vendor Productivity |
DEV-5100 | CRM; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] 'Required' in CRM should be moved into right side |
DEV-5112 | Customers; Vendors; | Bug: [JDK8] can not add Langugae Combination to Client/Vendor profile |
DEV-5114 | Classic Project; | Bug: CLONE - [JDK8] [UI] Small pop-ups with scrolls |
DEV-5125 | Classic Project; Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: Can not remove receivables nor payables- classic and smart |
DEV-5126 | System - Setup (initial); | Bug: Instances on demand explodes after few seconds |
DEV-5132 | System - History; | Bug: History: Filters issue |
DEV-5136 | Integrations - CAT - SDL Trados; | Bug: XTRF does not support Trados analyses from some Asian languages |
DEV-5167 | System - History; | Bug: History: Responsible is filter issue |
DEV-5170 | Smart Connectors; | Bug: [JDK8] Error when try to save Smart Connector |
DEV-5171 | System - History; System - Licensing; | Bug: History: No changes after turning OFF History on Licence Server |
DEV-5172 | Filters and Views; | Bug: [JDK8] Error when try to edit view |
DEV-5173 | System - History; | Bug: History: Double actions on History |
DEV-5182 | Files; | Bug: [JDK8] [UI] 'Upload file' button should be disabled |
DEV-5195 | System - History; | Bug: History: No History action about Preferences |
DEV-5196 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Wrong localisation of some Client actions |
DEV-5197 | Classic Project; Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: Cannot add CAT & "normal" Payable to classic project |
DEV-5203 | System - History; | Bug: [History] No Client Name on action titles |
DEV-5206 | System - History; | Bug: History: User rights to History |
DEV-5210 | System - History; | Bug: History: Wrong filtering |
DEV-5211 | API; | Bug: Error during operation on API (Home Portal API) |
DEV-5214 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Missing expression for Deleted Task Charge & Added Task Charge |
DEV-5222 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Date Calculation rules are viewed badly |
DEV-5223 | System - History; | Bug: History: When add Smart Project automatic action are displayed on Client scope |
DEV-5225 | Smart Project - Automations; | Bug: Big volume scaling to wrong date |
DEV-5226 | Vendors; | Bug: Error while Editing Vendor Producitvity |
DEV-5228 | Classic Project; Quotes; | Bug: Error when try to delete Language Combination from Classic Project/Quote |
DEV-5230 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Duplicated Payment terms decriptions |
DEV-5232 | System - History; | Bug: History: No information about deleted Task |
DEV-5233 | Feedback and Evaluation; | Bug: Evaluation is not changed on LISA evaluation template |
DEV-5238 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Added Project - incorrect details |
DEV-5241 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Add new customer - incorrect details |
DEV-5242 | System - History; | Bug: History: Some groups have no turned On rights to History by default |
DEV-5243 | Customizations - Periodic Jobs; Invoicing - Vendors; | Bug: Periodic job executed with errors |
DEV-5254 | Integrations - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: memoQ: Vendor can not be updated in memoQ |
DEV-5257 | Feedback and Evaluation; | Bug: Evaluation is not displayed properly on LISA evaluation document template |
DEV-5262 | Reports; | Bug: [JDK8] Cannot generate report for second time |
DEV-5279 | System; | Bug: Macros on trunks instances are not available to edit |
DEV-5284 | Configuration - System Values; Vendor Portal - Company Profile; | Bug: [UI] Incorrect calculation units when adding new service in Vendor Portal |
DEV-5287 | Vendors; | Bug: [JDK8][UI][Vendor] Adding specialisation to language combination |
DEV-5291 | Customizations - Periodic Jobs; | Bug: Password is not saved in Periodic Job WeLocalize Synchronization |
DEV-5295 | System - History; | Bug: History: Date filter filters badly |
DEV-5296 | System - History; | Bug: History: Items in Action filter not in alphabetical order |
DEV-5348 | System - History; | Bug: History is not in alphabetic order on System Information |
DEV-5350 | Smart Projects (in HP); | Bug: commons.globalError fail message appears every time smart project is opened |
DEV-5354 | System; | Bug: Error during upgrading to 6.10.2 |
DEV-5355 | Smart Projects and Quotes; | Bug: Nd-select - Do not sanitize numbers |
DEV-5358 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: [UI] External Project XTM settings - cannot toggle Add CAT Receivable |
DEV-5366 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Bug: [UI] No possibility to configure Process Template => Work/Reference File for Vendor |
DEV-5368 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Wrong Filtering Files on Files card |
DEV-5369 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Wrong Category detection when adding file - all files categorized as "Other" |
DEV-5371 | Classic Project; Quotes; | Bug: Cannot update Task Name and Client Task PO Number via HP REST API- POST/quotes |
DEV-5372 | Availability Request; Vendor Portal - Offers; | Bug: Uploaded files not showing in link from availability request |
DEV-5376 | Vendors - Selection Rules; | Bug: [UI] Inactive Vendor Selection Rules is still visible in Send Job Offer window |
DEV-5380 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Filters name and distance |
DEV-5383 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: [UI] [ND-Select] Multiselect doesn't display selected options (or displays them wrong) |
DEV-5388 | Customers; Vendors; | Bug: Issue with Multiple Change in Vendors & Client module |
DEV-5395 | Smart Project - Files; | Bug: [UI] Missing datepicker for 'Last Modified On' in Files filter |
DEV-5400 | Customers; Vendors; | Bug: No possibility to modify or add some items on Project, Quote, Client/Vendor profiles |
DEV-5406 | System - History; | Bug: [UI] Style progress bar for History |
DEV-5421 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [UI] Option "Import from ..." in Payables & Receivables is not avaiable |
DEV-5422 | System - Security; | Bug: Security mechanism on internal database |
DEV-5435 | Smart Project - Process; | Bug: Template files settings are not aplied to project/quote |
DEV-5443 | System - History; | Bug: Localisation in History actions |
DEV-5458 | System - History; | Bug: History: Time is not responding to system settings |
DEV-5466 | System - History; | Bug: History: no details about Pro Forma Invoice Changes |
DEV-5473 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: Files and directories not visible for a Customer within workflow definitions despite being switched on |
DEV-5487 | Smart Project - Automations; | Bug: [UI] Keep special items (Any, Don't Change) on top of the dropdown list - Automatic People Assignments |
DEV-5493 | System - History; | Bug: [UI] [HISTORY] Incorrect localization > Scope:Vendor |
DEV-5497 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Scope:Vendor > Added Vendor |
DEV-5510 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Action without details |
DEV-5517 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Added Receivable - Quantity |
DEV-5518 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Added Receivable & Added CAT Receivable - 'Unknown' shouldn't be listed in action details |
DEV-5522 | Filters and Views; | Bug: Export does not work in Old Views |
DEV-5525 | Customizations - Macros; Filters and Views; System - Smart Views; | Bug: [UI] Macro button is not working properly |
DEV-5530 | Smart Project - Technical; | Bug: Periodic jobs during replay |
DEV-5532 | System - History; | Bug: Modify instead of Changed |
DEV-5541 | Smart Project - Automations; | Bug: [UI] Incorrect size of Filters |
DEV-5544 | Configuration - Workflows; | Bug: Multiple change on Workflow Definitions doesn't work |
DEV-5552 | Classic Project; Customers; Quotes; Vendors; | Bug: [UI] Left and down sights are partially covered |
DEV-5555 | Vendor Portal - Settings; | Bug: Notes to other vendors setting should not depend on VENDOR_PORTAL_CUSTOMER_AND_PROJECT_NAMES feature toggle |
DEV-5557 | Quotes; | Bug: Cannot accept / reject quote from mail when Quote turned on in history |
DEV-5567 | System - History; | Bug: Can not see History |
DEV-5576 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: Creating memsource integrated projects using many files is too slow |
DEV-5594 | System - History; | Bug: Wrong alphabetic order in Action Filter |
DEV-5603 | Customers; | Bug: Null Pointer Exception when edit Prefrences |
DEV-5608 | System; | Bug: Cannot perform migration - NoSuchElementException: key not found: null |
DEV-5617 | Configuration - Workflows; Integrations - CAT - XTM; | Bug: [Stability 6.10.5] Can not see External System tab |
DEV-5618 | Smart Project - Finance; | Bug: [Stability 6.10.5] [UI] Flashing receivable panels |
DEV-5620 | Integrations - CAT - XTM; | Bug: Vendor can not get to Job Manager when using XTM integration |
DEV-5624 | Smart Project - Scripted Step Types; | Bug: Cannot complete scripted step |
DEV-5633 | Integrations - CAT - Memsource; | Bug: [Stability 6.10.5] New customer not created in Memsource |
DEV-5640 | System - History; | Bug: When History is loading "Nothing important..." is displayed |
DEV-5642 | Integrations - CAT - XTM; | Bug: XTRF-XTM integration issues |
DEV-5658 | Customers; | Bug: Customer Display lost padding |
DEV-5678 | System - History; | Bug: [History] Changed Task - totalAgreed |
DEV-5680 | System - History; | Bug: [UI] Scope and Name filters flshes when go to History in some scope |
DEV-5681 | System - History; | Bug: Number of actions in History issue |
DEV-5685 | Smart Project - General; | Bug: Unable to create a new Smart Project |
DEV-5695 | Smart Project - Process; | Bug: [UI] Search in change process is not working properly |
DEV-5699 | Classic Project; Integrations - CAT; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Incorrect label for 'Add CAT Receivable ...' button |
DEV-5703 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] No redirection to first filtered page in History |
DEV-5704 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] No way to reset filters in each scope History |
DEV-5706 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Wrong localization in history in CP |
DEV-5709 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] [UI] Filters are connected when zoom in |
DEV-5711 | System - History; | Bug: [Stability 6.12] Total agreed action repeated |
DEV-5724 | System - History; | Bug: No information about Job changes in History |
DEV-5750 | System - History; | Bug: History: unnecessary loading when filter is not changed |
DEV-5755 | System - History; | Bug: [History] No pagination shown in some cases |
DEV-5589 | System - General; | Business Task: Gather as much integration tests as possible into single module |
DEV-594 | Configuration; | Epic: Project/Quote Security/Permissions (absolute minimum) |
DEV-4496 | System - History; | Epic: Classic projects history (client, vendor, task and job changes tracking) |
DEV-5264 | System - History; | Epic: Classic history - 2nd iteration |
DEV-3996 | Integrations - CAT - Trados Agent; | Improvement: Support Trados 2017 in Agent |
DEV-4998 | System - Security; | Improvement: (pkt. 3.7) [UI] Privilege Escalation - V4 - url fragments validation |
DEV-5067 | API; | Improvement: Update Task Name and Client Task PO Number via HP REST API |
DEV-5068 | API; | Improvement: Update Custom Fields in Quote and Project via HP REST API |
DEV-5086 | System - Security; | Improvement: Session is not invalidated after Logout – V3 |
DEV-5117 | System - Security; | Improvement: (pkt. 3.6, 3.8) Cross-site scripting vulnerability in footer notification |
DEV-5402 | System - History; | Improvement: [UI] templates for vendor scope |
DEV-5442 | Smart Project - History; | Improvement: [UI] Allow to pass entity by url |
DEV-5528 | Projects; Quotes; | Improvement: Hide hardcoded LC from project tree |
DEV-4297 | Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ; | Story: Implement Action: LaunchCATToolProject |
DEV-4857 | System - History; | Story: Create history for customers |
DEV-4970 | Audit Entries; System - History; | Story: [UI] Classic project history |
DEV-5028 | System - History; | Story: Add ability to keep history entries only for particular time |
DEV-5029 | System - History; | Story: Implement audit for Projects and quotes |
DEV-5266 | Smart Project - History; | Story: Ensure initial revision is always present, when audit entries are turned on |
DEV-5267 | Smart Project - History; | Story: Reduce number of requests and entries in history view |
DEV-5269 | Smart Project - History; | Story: Add basic tabs in each entity, containing link to history |

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago

Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 8 years ago
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