Relevant bug fixes
Smart Project - General | Special symbols were displayed incorrectly in the Instructions fields in the Smart projects. | Special symbols are displayed correctly. |
Integrations - CAT - MemoQ | For some clients, synchronization with memoQ took more time than expected. | Improved synchronizing time for memoQ integration. |
Smart Project - Automations | Project coordinators weren’t automatically assigned as vendors when selected as default vendors in process templates | Project coordinators are correctly assigned as vendors within the automation. |
Smart Project - People, System - Home Page, Vendor Portal | Vendor Portal regular users didn't see the jobs they were assigned to after the job Contact Person was changed in the Smart project on the Home Portal. | Regular users remain assigned to jobs even when a Contact Person has been changed. |
ADMIN NOTICE:Existing Apache Velocity macros will stop working with the release of v. 10.0. You are strongly advised to rewrite them in Groovy. To learn how to switch from Velocity to Groovy, see THIS ARTICLE. |

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