ADMIN NOTICE:If your firewall is configured to restrict outgoing traffic, make sure XTRF can access the TCP port at v1.endpoint.license.xtrf.eu:443 before the update. |
Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ | Removing / reimporting documents in memoQ does not break synchronization with XTRF regardless of project status. 'Ready', 'Canceled' and 'Invoiced' Jobs in XTRF no longer block removing documents from XTRF projects, as long as they were removed or reimported directly in memoQ. |
CRM | Security issue fixed. |
System - Search (Quicksearch) | Added pagination for Quicksearch to prevent memory depletion and potentially incorrect results. |
Smart Project - Jobs | MemoQ Jobs correlated with Steps not shared with any remote Bilingual Document can now be closed manually (have their status changed to ‘Ready’). |
Smart Project - CAT - MemoQ | Jobs with returned documents could not be closed in memoQ after a synchronization error, even if synchronization was re-established. Jobs now get closed properly. |
Smart Project - Jobs | Improved logging for the following returning-document scenarios: - Unsharing bilingual documents - 'BilingualDoc' category not assigned to Jobs / Steps |

Customer support service by UserEcho