

Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 5 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 5 years ago 1

XTRF in version 8.5.20 has been released.

KeyComponentsSubjectRelease Note Summary
DEV-10330Smart Project - JobsBug: Note icon not visible on a job in Smart ProjectIcon that informs us about vendor's message is displayed when certain actions are triggered. We removed a bug that made icon visible only when we click job step.
DEV-10467Integrations - CAT - MemsourceBug: Improper logging of API credentialsImproved logging sensitive data with Memsource integration
DEV-10624Vendor Portal - SettingsBug: Checkbox in VP profile configuration is not showing correct thing
Improved behavior of Minimum charge radio button when we edit "Services & Rates" section in Vendor Portal
Release Notes