

Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 5 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 5 years ago 1
KeyComponentsSubjectRelease Note Summary
DEV-10029Imports - RatesBug: Price List Import doesn't overwrite minimum chargeImporting prices or overwriting existing values works properly
DEV-10179Vendor Portal - RegistrationBug: CV upload field visible at all times in registration process"Upload CV and other relevant documentation" section no longer visible in Vendor registration process if files upload is not allowed in Vendor Portal's configuration.
DEV-10212Vendor PortalBug: Missing tooltip in VPRestored on-hover tooltips in Job Manager for Jobs and Job Offers modules.
DEV-10417TechnicalBug: Potential security issue in RichFaces componentSecurity fix in RichFaces component
Release Notes