

Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 6 years ago in Patch (fix), e.g. 8.1.3 updated 6 years ago 1
TicketComponentsSubjectRelease Note Summary
DEV-6219System - Smart ViewsBug: [UI] Filtering in Smart Project on People card issueFiltering people in Smart Projects works while pasting their names.
DEV-9077Client Portal - Projects; Configuration - Smart ProjectsBug: Launch a smart project - Job numbering scheme generates not unique identifiersFix of Job numbering issue occurring on environments with specific configuration settings 
DEV-10003Classic Projects and QuotesBug: Client Project Number is not saved when converting Quote to a ProjectClient Project Number no longer dissapears while we convert
DEV-10047Vendor PortalBug: Vendors keep being logged out of the Vendor PortalFix of Vendors' constant log-out from Vendor Portal


Additionally, incompatibility issues with SDL Trados Studio 2019 SR2 - have been fixed. Update of XTRF Trados Agent to version 7.2.4 is required.

Release Notes