Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago
in Minor Release, e.g. 8.2.0
updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago •
The main features expected in version 8.1 are an extension of Smart Project integration with memoQ:
- Removing CAT Resources
- Deleting CAT Document
- Client Portal opened for customizations (must be coded by XTRF team)
The following are improvements to already existing functionalities:
- Add Invoice action from top menu opens new browsers
- Custom fields in scopes client, client+project, client+quote+project added to Client Portal API
- Compatibility with memoQ 8.5
- Irish added as new interface language in Client Portal and templates
- Memsource CSV analysis – characters as calculation unit supported
- Passolo 2016 – new CAT analysis format supported
- Transit NXT – new CAT analysis format supported
- SDL WorldServer – new CAT analysis format supported
- Links detection in notes across portals
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Customer support service by UserEcho
When is this expected to launch?
It is due still this month. Code is frozen, heavy testing is on the way.
the scope will be limited by the CP-API and the front end skills of our customization team members. Here's a little conversation we had on the Questions forum about it: https://xtrf.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/94-front-end-customization-of-customer-portal-by-way-of-javascriptcss#comment-4362
And what is the timeline for allowing us to customise it?
As mentioned in the thread above, there is no specific timeline.
First, we want to learn from the customization team's experience. This will last until the end of year, presumably.
Only after this initial period, will we consider opening the source code and letting others customize their own portals.
Thanks Lukasz!
Any news on when this will be launched?
We will have it available for installation in the next week. Test instance update prior to production is recommended.
Since it's taking a little longer than expected to roll out 8.1, can we expect memoQ 8.5 compatibility at this point?
Hi Sancho
XTRF 8.1 will be compatible with memoQ 8.5
That's great news. And what's the latest estimation of the rollout date of 8.1?
I think that the most accurate statement is that it is planned for this week.
Any update on this ... update? :)