
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Adding information to invoices

Katie Black 6 years ago in Something Else updated 6 years ago 2

We would like to add the our sort code, which is part of our bank details, to our invoices. Is there a way to change the invoice templates so that the sort code gets displayed?



Hi Katie

Invoice document template (all document templates for that matter) are customizable. It requires a change in the document template code and it is not available through the XTRF interface. Our customization department can make such an update for you, it is additionally paid service.

 I suggest contacting our Support or with your Customer Succes Manager to get a cost estimate for such change in template.


Disable editing of invoices

Christian Großpietsch 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Misha van der Kroon 3 years ago 5

Dear team,

invoices should not be subject to changes, once they have an invoice number and have been sent out to the client. However, XTRF allows making changes to the invoice (change date, change currency, change amount etc), by clicking "Bearbeiten" (Edit). 

Is there a way to make such actions impossible? The German law requires us that invoice can't be changed or deleted, once sent out and assigned with an invoice number. 

Thanks for your feedback here. 


Hi Christian

It's not possible to completely disable Edit option for the Client Invoices. There are some operations, like confirm payment, that needs to be performed after the Invoice has been sent.

It is possible to limit user group rights in a way that only selected users are able to Edit the Invoice.

The same applies to Delete the client invoices, you can limit the users' rights so only a few or one system user would be able to do that.

This way uses advised that they shouldn't delete client invoices, won't be able to do that anyway.


Adobe reader extended and asian fonts

kevin 6 years ago in Something Else 0


Anyone having a problem with custom invoices needing the extended fonts to be installed for viewing with Adobe reader? The font in the invoices is Arial so this shouldn't be needed


PayPal link in quote email?

Meghan Cooper 6 years ago in Something Else 0

Is there a way to have XTRF quotes/quote emails link to PayPal with the price already filled in? We include a link to our website where there is a PayPal link in the email, but the customer has to enter the price on their own which seems weird. Curious how other agencies handle PayPal for client payment. 


How to handle company's internal projects?

J_N 6 years ago in Something Else updated by mark 6 years ago 1

Hi All,

could you please share your thoughts on how do you handle internal projects of your company? For example translations of contracts, etc.?

At the moment, we have a client in our database ("us" - our company name) and when there is a need for such project, we use this client and set the receivables as "Uninvoiceable", thus keeping them at "0".

Is there maybe other way how to handle internal projects without keeping ourselves as a client in our database?

Thanks a lot for any ideas.


Location of "*" SaaS servers

Cori Alcorn 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 2

We recently had a client ask us where our customer portal and TMS servers were located as part of an onboarding process. I did not see this anywhere so thought I'd ask here. When I look up our address, I get Quebec, Canada. Is this correct? We have a * domain. For some reason I thought it was in New Jersey or something, but if someone could let me know if you know where the server is physically located, that'd be great.


Something obstructs the email trafficking

HeliCo Translation 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Marcin Jakubowski 6 years ago 5

Hi All,

I had the problem of not being able to send any emails through XTRF when I first started using it. And then, I found the solution by changing SMTP settings and unclicking the "Redirect All Mail to Admin", everything was resolved.

But afterwards, after some updates (I learned about them by following up the news here and the e-mails I received), I stopped being able to receive the e-mails to which I cc'ed myself. But providers receive them, there is no problem with that. Now, I cannot receive any cc e-mails or even any e-mail when I choose to "Redirect All Mail to Admin". I do the test if I am going to receive any e-mails to a definite e-mail address, I pass the test but then, no e-mails are received.

I cannot create accounts to new providers, too, by myself, by redirecting all mails to my e-mail address.

I didn't change any setting in the meanwhile. What could have happened to my account? I need some help here.

Best regards,



night mode

Laura Jimenez 6 years ago in Something Else updated 6 years ago 10

Good morning,

would anyone find usefull to have an option to change the XTRF background from white to grey or any more comfortable color?



Will be answered

Mass requests (bids) and workflow settings disappeared in >XTRF 6.0

Stan 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 1

I am trying to set a bid as a default step in one of the workflows. I am sure we used the feature but it suddenly disappeared after one the upgrades.

Provider requests are missing now in the User rights' tab, while "Workflow settings" are still present there (it's not possible to find&configure them, though).

What could be the reason for this?


Upgrading to XTRF 8.# on Linux

Stan 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 3


Is XTRF 8.# stable version already available to general public? I am especially interested in the XTRF 8.# packages in Linux repository.